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The Masque Of The Red Death

The Masque Of The Red Death Video

The Masque Of The Red Death

The Masque Of The Red Death By Edgar Allan Poe

After the success of House of Usherhe strongly considered making Masque as the follow-up. Eventually, he decided to go ahead and do it anyway.

The Masque Of The Red Death

The Woolner Brothers announced a film based on the story [7] as did producer Alex Gordon, who said he had Price as star. Corman felt this draft still needed work, but Beaumont was too ill to come to England for rewriting. So he hired R. Corman says it was Campbell who introduced the subplot of the dwarf, from another Poe story, "Hop-Frog". Nicholson suggested to Corman that the film be made there. This meant the film could qualify for the Eady levy and increase the budget; normally, an AIP film was done Te three weeks, but Masque was shot in five weeks. Although Corman felt that five weeks in England Thr the equivalent to four weeks in the US because English crews worked slower.

Corman says this was why George Willoughby was credited as producer, although it was Corman who was the actual producer. He filmed it in one day, which he said would have been enough time in Hollywood but that English crews were too slow. The BBC wrongly claimed in a documentary the removed scene was one where she imagines a series of demonic figures attacking her while she lies on a slab. This wasn't proved until Ethics And In William Ethics Sandy Robertson, using a letter from producer Samuel Z.

Arkoff, finally got Deth BBFC to release their files on the film. The scene where she's attacked by figures while on a slab was in every print seen in the UK, including one Robertson saw as early as the The Masque Of The Red Death. British and UK censors required different cuts, which weren't restored until the restoration by Martin Scorsese's film foundation.

The Masque Of The Red Death

Corman recalled years later: From the standpoint of nudity, there was nothing. I think she was nude under a diaphanous gown. She played the consummation with the Devil, but it was essentially on her face; it was a pure acting exercise. Hazel fully clothed, all by herself, purely by acting, incurred the wrath of the censor.

Allegory In The Masque Of The Red Death Analysis

It was a different age; they probably felt that was showing too much. Price, Hazel Court and Jane Asher On its level, it is astonishingly good. In Price is the perfect interpreter, too, of the Poe character, and he succeeds in creating an aura of terror. Where most films of this nature tend simply to pile on the blood, here there is a genuine chill of intellectual evil, because Vincent Price, initiating horrible tortures with a characteristic air of sadistic glee, also conveys a genuine philosophical curiosity as to the territories into which his quest for evil may lead him.]

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