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The Influence Of Human Sexuality

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The Influence Of Human Sexuality

This study aimed at determining some predictors of sociosexuality among young adults in Accra, Ghana. Participants completed questionnaires assessing dimensions of sociosexuality i.

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Hierarchical linear regression procedures were used to analyze the data. Results indicated that sexual sensation seeking was a significant positive predictor of sociosexual attitude, desire, and behaviour.

The Influence Of Human Sexuality

Sexual attitudes were a significant positive predictor of sociosexual attitudes, desire, and behaviour. Also, dimensions of religiosity had a negative relationship with sociosexuality but this relationship was not significant.

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Moreover, sexual attitudes and TThe moderated the relationship between sexual sensation seeking and sociosexuality. MANOVA results also revealed that there were statistically significant differences in all three dependent variables by gender. These results indicate that for policymakers to make good policies that can help reduce risky sexual behaviours associated with sociosexuality, sexual attitudes and sexual sensation seeking among young adults should be targeted for intervention.

The Influence Of Human Sexuality

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