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The Indian Caste System In India The Indian Caste System In India.

These issues include unlawful and arbitrary killings, including extrajudicial killings perpetrated by police; and cases of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment by some police and prison officials; arbitrary arrest and detention by government authorities; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; political prisoners or detainees in certain states; corruption and tolerance of violations of religious freedom. The report pointed out that the National Human Rights Commission of India NHRC received and investigated prisoner complaints of human rights violations throughout the year.

Those released were required to sign bonds agreeing not to engage in political activity.

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On the top of this ranking are the priests Brahminsfollowed by the warriors and erstwhile rulers Kshatriyas. The next to come are the farmers and merchants Vaishyaswhile the last in the hierarchy are the workers and craftsmen, among others Shudras.

The Indian Caste System In India

Religious equality in India is impossible until attitudes change. Since the Hindu caste system is rooted in scriptures, it is difficult to change. The Muslim caste system has hampered their progress in various realm of life. The paradox of belonging to Islam, a religion that is premised on the notion of equality, and at the same time imbibing local traits which The Indian Caste System In India inequality, has to be admitted. Muslims are segmented into different status categories on the basis of income, occupation, education and lineage. A fifth group existed outside this fourfold classification, that of the non-classified avarnas who did work that was, and is still considered, physically and ritually polluting, such as cremation and the handling of dead bodies, removal and skinning of dead animals, removal and cleaning of human bodily fluids and excreta manual scavenging and basket weaving. But, the Muslim community itself is to blame for its current plight.

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The Muslim literacy rate ranks well below the national average and the Muslim poverty rate is only slightly higher than the low-caste Hindu. He falls behind other groups in terms of access to credit. This is despite the self-employed Muslim population exceeding other groups. According to Islam, the Muslim society is homogeneous. There is no hierarchical caste-system in Islam, like the Hindu varna system of social stratification. In Sanskrit, varna means type, order, colour or class. The term refers to social classes in dharma-shastra religious text books like the Manusmriti. Hindu literature classifies society into four varnas: a Brahmins: priests, scholars and teachers.

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Communities which belong to one of the four varnas or classes are called savarna. The dalits and scheduled tribes who do not belong to any varna, are called avarna. The varna system is discussed in Hindu texts, and understood as idealised human callings.

The Indian Caste System In India

The concept is generally traced to the Purusha Sukta verse of the Rig Veda. Contrary to these textual classifications, many Hindu texts and doctrines question and disagree with the Varna system of social classification. Unlike the Hindu caste system, where it is easy to discern the stratification, caste identities among Muslims are not defined rigidly. As such, the reservation quota and other benefits, available to scheduled castes, do not trickle down The Indian Caste System In India the needy Muslim. It is a bitter reality that the Muslim in India could not remain immune from Hindu caste-system. The Muslim is divided into into ashraaf See more of foreign lineage and ajlaaf local converts.

The ashraaf are regarded as the superior group and are mainly endogamous, while the ajlaaf are considered to be inferior.

The Indian Caste System In India

Some scholars use another category, arzaal, to denote Incia Muslims who converted from the lowest strata of society bhangi, dom, churha or sweeper. Is such a census link accordance with the definitive text of the Holy Quran? They lay claim to a prestigious lineage that they trace back to the Prophet in the case of Sayyids or his tribe in the case of Qureshis. Many Ashraaf are either ulema in the case of the Sayyid, or else landowners, merchants or business people. At the middle level, the ajlaaf low-born represent the masses.]

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