The Importance Of The Scientific Method In Abnormal Psychology - Custom Academic Help

The Importance Of The Scientific Method In Abnormal Psychology

The Importance Of The Scientific Method In Abnormal Psychology Video

The Importance Of The Scientific Method In Abnormal Psychology

Quick translation of full-text in Google Translate Abstract The article discusses the scientific activities of a prominent clinical psychologist, methodologist, professor T. The main scientific interests of the scientist are highlighted, including the problems of studying thinking, attention, issues of professional selection and vocational guidance, clinical study and psychocorrection of school-age children. Long-term teaching work in various pedagogical universities is shown in a brief review of publications on the organization of training students in psychological disciplines and teaching practice.

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Keywords: T. Scientific Contribution of Importnace T. In Russ. Copy References Abramyan L. O formirovanii lichnosti rebyonka v nestabil'nyh social'nyh usloviyah [On the formation of a child's personality in unstable social conditions]. Marcinkovskaya ed. Moscow: Publ. Vajman L. K voprosu o differencirovannosti trudovyh rekomendacij bol'nyh epilepsiej [On the question differentiation of labor recommendations for patients with epilepsy]. Kachaev eds. Moscow: Poligrafist,pp.

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Zejgarnik B. Patopsihologiya [Pathopsychology]. Analiz oshibok pri issledovanii vnimaniya metodom korrekturnoj proby [Analysis of errors in the study of attention by the method of proofreading].

The Importance Of The Scientific Method In Abnormal Psychology

O psihologicheskoj strukture rezonerstva [On the psychological structure of resonance]. Zejgarnik, S. Rubinshtejn eds. Rol' lichnostnogo komponenta v strukture myshleniya: psihologicheskaya harakteristika simptoma rezonerstva. PhD thesis].

The Importance Of The Scientific Method In Abnormal Psychology

O nekotoryh osobennostyah profotbora shkol'nikov, orientirovannyh na professiyu uchitelya [On some features of the professional selection of schoolchildren focused on the teaching profession]. Zhil'cov, V.]

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