The Day the World Ended at Little Bighorn: A Lakota History - Custom Academic Help

The Day the World Ended at Little Bighorn: A Lakota History

The Day the World Ended at Little Bighorn: A Lakota History Video

The real battle of the Little Bighorn The Day the World Ended at Little Bighorn: A Lakota History

Updated date: Apr 14, Sitting Bull and His Grand Victory Over the Us Army at Little Big Horn in Author: MG is an air warrior with a distinguished career and now a corporate advisor, writer, and intrepid traveler and Bigghorn: Introduction The Red Indians were the original inhabitants of American continent but their civilization was primitive and they were very few in numbers.

In addition, they had internecine warfare as there was a multitude of tribes who never saw Eye to Eye with each other.

The Day the World Ended at Little Bighorn: A Lakota History

The Red Indians BBighorn: not united and never believed in the policy of concentration click force and thus were easy prey to the US Army. The Red Indians were invariably beaten by the US Army, but in rare cases, they turned the tables and won decisive victories.

One such victory was in in what is known as the Battle of Little Big Horn. The immediate reason for this battle was the war-cry raised by Sitting Bull when an earlier treaty entered into by him was violated as settlers swarmed the lands kept for Red Indians as per the treaty. One other reason for the battle was the ongoing battles between the Red Indians and the settlers.

The Day the World Ended at Little Bighorn: A Lakota History

The expansion of the white settlers into lands owned by the Red Indians infuriated the tribes. Over treaties were negotiated by the US government with the red Indians but it is on record that each one of these treaties was broken.

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This had to happen as the settlers who had come from England and Europe wished to develop the virgin and fertile lands in America. Tensions between the two groups had been rising since the discovery of gold on Native American lands.

The Day the World Ended at Little Bighorn: A Lakota History

The battle The situation had become tense after the treaty with the Indian tribes was infringed. A war council was called by Sitting Bull who was a Sioux.


At the war council, it was decided to fight the US Army and overall command was given to Sitting Bull. Another part of the Indian force was handed to Crazy Horse. The Army was aware of the war preparations of the Indians and had sent General George Custer who was commander of the 7th cavalry to crush the Indians. Sitting Bull a Sioux was born in and had spent his entire life fighting the US Army and the settlers. General George Custer was a man who had made a name for himself in the civil war and was rated as a professional soldier of high caliber. He had earlier bested the Red Indians many times and perhaps those victories made him a little complacent. He also planned to run for the US President as he thought Bivhorn: a win over Sitting Bull would lead him to the White House, given the American penchant to vote for war heroes.

On 22 Junethe stage Endedd set for the battle.

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General Custer assumed an easy victory and advanced towards the encampment of Sitting Bull. He wished to seize the initiative. But his intelligence tbe poor as he was not aware of the actual numbers with Sitting Bull. In addition, he ignored advice to match up with reinforcement under General Alfred Terry.]

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