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Tanja Lagoon Case Study

Tanja Lagoon Case Study - whom

A lack of interest in critical social issues from a profession that holds such high responsibility within a community is a problem that should no longer be avoided. AIA challenges the profession of architecture to establish a focus on more community-engaged design. Read on for an edited interview with Nelli about his research and how you can begin to implement elements into your design practice to help promote social change in your own communities. Tanja Lagoon Case Study Tanja Lagoon Case Study

The use of these tools is to balance environmental and economic sustainability with institutional capacity building, and social cohesion to direct the sustainable management of natural resources and development planning. A study to assess the role of Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA as a sustainability tool in managing the Atiwa Forest reserve and its resources is reported in this thesis. Specifically, the study determined the readiness of the Abuakwa South Municipal Assembly to mainstream SEA in the sustainable management of the natural resources of the Atiwa forest.

technical reports : dr. T.E.J. Vos

Further, community perception on this level of sustainability of forest management was assessed, as well as rainfall and temperature variability in relation to forest cover. The research employed simple random and purposive sampling methodology for data acquisition, sought the knowledge of local communities and the formal institutions related to managing the resource as well.

Landsat imagery was acquired for the yearsand to analyze the trend in land cover changes in Atiwa forest. Allometric standard methods were used to estimate tree biomass and Tanja Lagoon Case Study, necromass Tanha and carbon and carbon stocks of soil Chave et al.

Tanja Lagoon Case Study

Expansion factor on per hectare scale and the potential carbon weight that could be lost to the atmosphere were estimated using the Walker et al. A one-way ANOVA was performed to determine the mean differences between various environmental ecological and social parameters as well.


Results indicate that SEA mainstreaming in the Abuakwa South Municipal Assembly is being fairly implemented, with public participation, institutional capacity building in operational logistics as well as economic sustainability alternative livelihood support projects lacking. In addition, there is a significant improvement in forest cover to after a significant decline from to The highest correlation Tanka 0.

Tanja Lagoon Case Study

Similarly, simple and multiple regression analysis between soil carbon Stydy tree parameters showed coefficient determinants to be 0. The highest adjusted R2 for coefficiency determination was 0. The least adjusted R2 for coefficiency determination was recorded for tree density per hectare only at Findings from the study, however, did not agree entirely with the progress and Tanja Lagoon Case Study of SEA specifically on the Atiwa Forest reserve management as indicated in the Medium Term Development Plan report of the Abuakwa South Municipality.

The report showed steady efforts in maintaining environmental sustainability which corroborated the findings of the study.]

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