Summary Of Erich Auerbachs Odysseus Scar - Custom Academic Help

Summary Of Erich Auerbachs Odysseus Scar

Summary Of Erich Auerbachs Odysseus Scar Video

A Long and Difficult Journey, or The Odyssey: Crash Course Literature 201 Summary Of Erich Auerbachs Odysseus Scar

Harold Bloom ó 3 review

Now think about this: someone planted the tree; others tended to it and trimmed it; more people spent generations selecting this domesticated tree from its ancestral stock. Think about the uncountable hands that made this tree possible, the saplings transplanted, the varieties combined over time. What were their lives like? What stories did they tell? What were trees to them? What makes us set this tree apart from others? What is essential about it? Like any other native language, you learned its basic syntax without trying.

You have a sense of the way trees should be.

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You probably judge a tree differently from a shrub for historical aesthetic reasons. You have expectations on what trees should do, how they should look, and what function they fulfill. You are mostly not cognizant of these assumptions.

Summary Of Erich Auerbachs Odysseus Scar

But you almost certainly have different notions about a shrub or a bush. We have different sets of expectations for different categories of form based on explicit and implicit criteria. Now, if someone asks you who is responsible for the tree, what do you say?

Summary Of Erich Auerbachs Odysseus Scar

Is it someone who designed the park? Is it a gardener? Is it the first person who imagined Odtsseus tree in the garden? Any single answer ignores those countless hands, minds, and environments that contributed to the treeness of this tree. It also ignores the salient fact that you are the one judging the tree and that your gaze is shaped by non-tree things.

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For me, the Homeric epics are like that tree. They come out of a complex relationship between performance traditions, new technologies, and aesthetics that are both products and producers of Auergachs same song culture. The reception and transformation of this ancient song culture into something fixed and reanalyzed as a text with an author has shaped our own culture too. We impose simple origin stories on art and human products because it is hard to escape our own single experience of culture and see how it works in the aggregate. Two aspects of this among many that interest me. First, our search for meaning in the empty universe encourages us to argue that design necessitates a designer.]

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