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How did the U.S. Fail in Vietnam? - Animated History South Vietnam Essays

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In this essay i will be talking about what the war was about. Another thing that i will be talking about is what my grandfather did in this war. The vietnam war started on and ended Something that started the war is the U. S deployed a strategy of containment during the cold war wich prevented communism throughout the world. After the second world war the Soviet Union emerged as a superpower the U. South Vietnam Essays

Pollution is the first thing that makes Ho chi Minh City a worse place to live in.

Taking a Look at the Vietnam War

Its drainage system Vietham been overbooked to drain for a city of over seven million people nowadays. Water pollution is only part of the pollution facing all the dwellers of this biggest city in Vietnam. The air pollution here is no less serious. Thousands of factories are still located inside this city and keep South Vietnam Essays releasing poisonous smoke.

diplomatic/international history + IR

Various means of transportation, especially millions of motorcycles, do contribute to the ever-increasing air pollution in Ho Chi Minh city. The South Vietnam Essays thing that makes Ho Chi Minh City a worse place to live in is its high cost of living. Nowhere else in Vietnam do you have to pay such great sums of money just to lead a rather simple and really humble life. Food, public utility, means of transportation, tuition fees accommodation and a variety of private services such as tailoring, hairdressing, renovating, etc. Consequently, they have Vienam struggle hard to make their two ends meet.

South Vietnam Essays

They not usually have time to enjoy themselves. In other words, a great number of these city-dwellers just earn enough money to be physical beings, not emotional or spiritual beings. Its increasing crime and disorder also makes Ho Chi Minh City a worse place to live in today than ten years ago.

South Vietnam Essays

A number of the city dwellers, especially young illiterate guys of lower social classes, cannot earn their living legally. They allow themselves to South Vietnam Essays or steal anything they can to satisfy their needs, irrespective of how serious the consequences of their frightening acts are. It is impossible for anyone Vietjam dares to live in Ho Chi Minh City to get rid of the lack of safety and order resulting from the above-mentioned kind of crime.

To tell the truth, I was born and grew up in Ho Chi Minh City and I am old enough to witness the tremendous, multifaceted changes and social reforms here. However, I can hardly say that I love my hometown very much because I am afraid that it does not deserve my love.

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Up to now, I have been trying my best to work hard and lead a simple but respectable life here. I do not dare to break any official law or well-established social rule.

South Vietnam Essays

And I often jeer sarcastically at myself, saying how foolish I am in such a crazy, disorderly environment. Probably, you do not approve of my pessimistic perspectives; but that is me!]

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