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Slaverys Contribution To The Civil War

Slaverys Contribution To The Civil War Video

The Civil War, Part I: Crash Course US History #20

Slaverys Contribution To The Civil War - remarkable idea

Buy The pestilent summer was over, and the crowds in the streets swelled, dwarfing those that Franklin remembered. The change in seasons meant river traffic was coming into full swing too, and flatboats and barges now huddled against scads of steamboats and beneath a flotilla of tall ships. Arranged five or six deep for more than a mile along the levee, they made a forest of smokestacks, masts, and sails. Coming and going from the forest were beef and pork and lard, buffalo robes and bear hides and deerskins, lumber and lime, tobacco and flour and corn. It was the cotton bales and hogsheads of sugar, stacked high on the levee, however, that really made the New Orleans economy hum. Slaverys Contribution To The Civil War

The nation split into two parts.

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Both sides believed that what they were fighting for was legitimate and fair, but if you look deeper the real reason for the Souths session is common from the beginning of the nation to the end Contributiob the Civil war. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, The south was clearly dependent on slavery as they were mainly in agriculture with harvesting crops such as cotton, tobacco and more, while Northern states, were more into manufacturing and used mainly paid labor click of slavery.

Slaverys Contribution To The Civil War

If you look at the events leading up to the war it Thr quite clear that the north and south were growing apart in ideas and culture for decades. While the South stayed true to its roots and focused on crops, crops that were harvested by slaves. Like with the Missouri Compromise ofthe south saw it as a threat to the balance of the free states and slave states.

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It was the first time that the go here started to understand that the government could create laws dealing with slavery. Another major event leading to the start of the war would be when Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Contrihution basically opened all the new territories as long as they could vote on whether to be a free state or a slave state. The act led to the formation of the Republican Party, a new political party based on the idea of opposing of opposing slavery into the new west. The newly formed party would be what eventually president Lincoln would run as and would be the final nail for the south.

free pdf download South to Freedom : Runaway Slaves to Mexico and the Road to the Civil War

The Civil War started because of stubborn differences between the Union and South over the fact of, if national government had the power to stop slavery in the territories that America had gained from the Mexican war, Louisiana purchase and others. What capped it off finally for the south was when Abraham Lincoln ran and won the presidential election in while one of his promises during his campaign was to keep Slaverys Contribution To The Civil War out of the new territories. Once he was elected South Carolina succeeded from the union and on April 12, the war began. The war shaped American today in a great number of ways.

The largest would have to be the thirteenth amendment, which abolished slavery in the united states. It also laid ground for the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments. Even while the war was going on the Union was making moves to make the country better. This helped people travel more out towards the west with things like the Homestead Act inwhich stated that any male could own a hundred plus acres if they lived and improved it over 5 years.

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Last but not least The war brought us paper money, during read more, the Union was gaining more and more expenses so they had no way to continue paying for the war. Slaverys Contribution To The Civil War put the war was fought by the South because of slavery, or their states right to slavery.

Without the Civil war we might not even see one unified nation as we are today but rather one with slaves and one without. It laid the stone work for or modern day United States with huge acts put force by congress such as the fourteenth amendment that has become so important over time, especially in the 20th century with the Civil Rights movement and the due Tp clause.

Slaverys Contribution To The Civil War

The Civil war tore us apart as a nation but once it was over, it opened us up to a whole new Union. Did you like this example?]

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