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Santo Domingo Research Paper Santo Domingo Research Paper

Prior to this, the ceramics of Ocotlan de Morelos was limited to utilitarian items such as dishes and cookware. However, Isaura thought to make decorative human figures, with the husband began drawing on paper and she executed.

These figures depict daily activities and other expression of rural village life in Oaxaca, with great detail and vivid colors. Women are generally shown in indigenous garb performing activities such as carrying items, Santo Domingo Research Paper babies, selling Researcb the market and participating in life celebrations. The decorative pieces with their colors and detail came into demand by Mexican folk art collectors including Nelson Rockefeller, who purchased dozens of these pieces in the s and s. Isaura died in at the age of forty four.

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These women, in turn, have taught their children and even their grandchildren. These include various human figures, skeletal figures for Day of the Deadcandle holder, incense burners, angels and religious items.

Santo Domingo Research Paper

Both have similar methods for creating their works, using white, red and sand colored clays. Bodies of figures are made by first creating disks of clay, then folding them.

Santo Domingo Research Paper

After this is burnished, details are added such Sano faces, hands, etc. Sometimes they use molds but the final touches are always by hand and then use both natural and commercial enamel paints with Pxper and handmade brushes. She then began to create miniatures scenes such as nativities, weddings, dances, wakes, baptisms and more, based on the customs of Oaxaca. She also creates nearly one-meter high trees of life and bells with animal heads. Santo Domingo Research Paper considers the expressive faces she is able Santo Domingo Research Paper create to be her greatest contribution. However, her work caught the attention of the Nuevo Mexico gallery, which ordered pieces to mount and exhibition.

She also creates scenes of traditional and customs of the villages and towns of the region. However she also creates solitary female figures, which have made her known in the United States, principally of Frida Kahlo, women with calla liliesmusicians, devils, monks, prostitutes, Catrinas and mother earth images covered in foliage. These began as Ssnto holders with birds and flowers and one day she added human images. The piece eventually morphed into a decorative piece on its own. Her work has also been exhibited in other countries such Frederick Douglass On Education Colombia and Canada.

Her specialties include headdresses, mermaids, crosses, prostitutes, the Last Supper and people in the town square. These are made individually and as part of sets depicting events such as weddings, funerals and people in a park. Her work contains great detail, mostly related to nature. While she uses pictures for inspiration, she does not copy what they contain.

Santo Domingo Research Paper

Some have them have gone on to be notable in their own right.]

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