Reproductive Justice Vs Planned Parenthood - Custom Academic Help

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April 20, Credit The Rev. Adam Clayton Powell Sr. Du Bois, a founder and longtime head of the N. They both believed that ability and talent, not race, class or creed, should determine opportunity in a truly democratic society. Martin Luther King Jr. Margaret Sanger had to commit what was then called a crime in order to enrich humanity, and today we honor her courage and vision; for without them there would have been no beginning. From supporters of reproductive justice, we deserve a historical reckoning that fairly confronts the complex circumstances of the past, not a response that callously dismisses them. We need to hear more about the innovative approaches the organization now intends to take. Reproductive Justice Vs Planned Parenthood Reproductive Justice Vs Planned Parenthood

Origin[ edit ] The term reproductive justice combines reproductive rights and social justice. It was coined and formulated as an organizing framework by a group of Black women who came together for that purpose in and called themselves Women of African Descent for Reproductive Justice. Foundation for Women with the intention of creating a statement in response the Clinton administration's proposed plan for universal health care.

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The conference was intentionally planned just before the attendees would be going to the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, which reached the decision that the individual right to plan one's own family must be central to global development. The women developed the term as a combination of reproductive rights and social justice, and dubbed themselves Women of African Descent for Reproductive Justice. Willis, and Kim Youngblood. These women felt that despite having the legal access to options such as abortion, they Plannec not able to exercise reproductive choices as easily as their more privileged counterparts. For them, reproductive politics was not about choice, but about justice.

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Reproductive justice understands "choice" as something that divides women in Vss and practice because it assumes that all Reproductive Justice Vs Planned Parenthood have an equal ability to make the same choices. Therefore, "choice" Reproductive Justice Vs Planned Parenthood structural factors such as economic status, race, immigration state, etc. Structurally, these identities do not have the same degrees of choice when it comes to accessing reproductive care. Gaard argues that this further divides women according to class and race. Reproductive justice is a critical, theoretical framework that was Parenfhood as a response to United States reproductive politics. The three core values of reproductive justice are the right to have a child, the right to not have a child, and the right to parent a child or children in safe and healthy environments.

Reproductive justice advocates use this framework to highlight how people who face greater societal oppression in their everyday lives as a result of their intersectional identities also face higher levels of oppression in their reproductive lives. This means that it is often harder for oppressed people to access healthcare due to factors such as education, income, geographic location, immigration status, and potential language barriers, among others.

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There are three frameworks that focus on women's reproductive needs: Reproductive health : Addresses inequalities in health services by advocating for the provision of services to historically Planbed communities. Advocates state that centering these communities pushes back against the "dehumanizing status quo of reproductive politics. For example, the right to parent in safe environments would encompass issues such as police brutality and the water crisis in FlintMichigan.

These issues are largely absent from pro-choice advocacy.

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Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice, recently renamed Forward Together, defines the concept as follows: [12] Reproductive Justice is the complete physical, mental, spiritual, political, economic, and social well-being of women and girls, and will be achieved when women and girls have the economic, social, and political power and resources to make healthy decisions about our bodies, sexuality, and reproduction for ourselves, our families, and our communities in all areas of our lives. The reproductive justice movement, in its efforts to illuminate these issues, challenges the right to privacy framework established by Roe v.

Wade that was predicated on the notion of choice in reproductive decision-making. Essentially, the reproductive justice framework turns the focus from civil rights to human rights. In contrast, reproductive justice advocates argue that the civil rights-based, pro-choice Ve centers on the legal right to choose abortions without addressing how socioeconomic Reproductive Justice Vs Planned Parenthood impacts the choices one has.

Roe, holds that "the state is not obligated to provide the means for women to realize their constitutionally protected read more, but Parenfhood to refrain from putting any 'obstacles' in their 'path'".

Reproductive Justice Vs Planned Parenthood

They explain, The control and exploitation of women and girls through our bodies, sexuality, and reproduction is a strategic pathway to regulating entire populations that is implemented by families, communities, institutions, and society. Thus, the regulation of reproduction and exploitation of women's bodies and labor is both a tool and a result of systems of oppression based on race, class, gender, sexuality, ability, age and immigration status.

Reproductive Justice Vs Planned Parenthood

This is click oppression as we use the term. This definition is relevant because the reproductive justice movement is defined in part by its opposition to reproductive oppression. By establishing reproductive justice as a counter to this form of oppression, advocacy groups like Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice highlight the movement's focus on broadening the reproductive rights and health frameworks to include the impact of socioeconomic conditions.]

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