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Renaissance In Middle Age

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Renaissance In Middle Age.

Impact Of The Renaissance

Born in Vinci near Florence, he was an artist and an inventor Leonardo Da Vinci A technique that shows space and distance between Mkddle Perspective I wrote plays, many for Queen Elizabeth. Today, students in secondary school still learn about my plays and poems in their English class. Shakespeare What does the term 'Renaissance' mean?

Renaissance In Middle Age

Rebirth Give an example of subject matter i. Sistine Chapel Rhyming poem of 14 lines.

Three Cheers for Wellness

Shakespeare was known to write these Sonnets Leonardo da Vinci me painted my portrait. It is one of the most famous paintings in the world The Mona Lisa What is the study of the movement of the stars and planets? Astronomy Give an example of subject matter i. Ordinary daily life, religious scenes, middle and peasant classes An artist in the Northern Renaissance.

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Famous for his woodcuts and engravings. Albrecht Durer The point in a painting where all lines of perspective meet.

Renaissance In Middle Age

Vanishing point I believed that it was more important for rulers to be feared than to be loved Machiavelli. I am an Egyptian astronomer. Ptolemy Name one invention that Da Vinci recorded in his notebooks Many answers e.

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I created metal plates that could copy books! Gutenberg I was able to show that Copernicus was correct when he said Renaissance In Middle Age the earth and other planets in the solar system circled the sun. I also created my own telescope. Galileo Give one reason why the printing press was such an important invention during the Renaissance.

Many answers This is the term used in renaissance art as opposed to middle age art, included; shading, and images appear to be off in the distance by using perspective.

Renaissance In Middle Age

Realism A religious court Middle tried those that were breaking away from the church. Inquisition I am a Greek physician from the second century AD. I disected animals as a way of learning about the body and applied this knowledge to humans. Galen I am a Dutchman who invented the telescope. Jan Lippershey A painting technique using blurry lines to give a smokey effect - you must spell it correctly Sfumato.]

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