Reflective Essay: The Heros Journey - Custom Academic Help

Reflective Essay: The Heros Journey Reflective Essay: The Heros Journey

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Wake up! Rome was fun and all and we got to see family but I wanted change. Another reason I did not like going to Rome was that the trip took 7 hours! We got off the plane then we got ready and We started bringing out the luggages. Of course, my sister demanded that I had to bring her luggage outside. My sister is the type of person who brings all Reflective Essay: The Heros Journey makeup …show more content… Now we could finally spend some time looking at the amazing monuments that Rome is known Herps.

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We decided to first go to palazzo Barberini. As you walked through the enormous gates that were fascinating to look at because they all had and amazing gold statue on the top and engraved into it were pictures and stories.

Reflective Essay: The Heros Journey

The first thing you noticed was the symmetry. We walked in and when we looked up we saw a huge mural that was beautiful. It looked like I could go up there and reach into the sky. The painting was so 3D it was crazy. For something that was built in the early 16 hundreds, this was a cool house. My favorite part of this palace was the spiral staircase. This staircase was amazing it had intricate designs and statues on it and it looked really really cool.

Reflective Essay: The Heros Journey

On our next trip, we decided to go to the colosseum. When we entered it was not that big but there was a gigantic maze in the middle that was really cool because people used to fight lions in there.

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There was a lion and a person and the person went looking for the lion to kill it I think. There was a part that showed a lions vertebrae. It was really cool seeing how ancient romans got.]

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