Power And Guilt In Lady Macbeth By William Shakespeare - pinsoftek.com Custom Academic Help

Power And Guilt In Lady Macbeth By William Shakespeare - question

Hunter Gibson Words: I would show that power clearly by standing on the higher bevel of the stage than Macbeth is on and Increase the volume of my voice so that It seems that I give a very important direction. She Is directive. She predicts what is going to happen and tells Macbeth about It so both of them will do It or avoid It. She does that to make sure that Macbeth will do things In the same way she wants to see It and everything will happen In charge of her directions. On the stage I would say it in a convincing voice to show that Lady Macbeth really knows what she is talking about. She seems to be stable in Act 2 Scene II in contrast to Macbeth who is paranoid after killing the king. She is well-organized and she knows what she wants to expect from life.

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Power And Guilt In Lady Macbeth By William Shakespeare.

Power And Guilt In Lady Macbeth By William Shakespeare - valuable piece

Lady Macbeth also has a part to play as she is the driving force, who plotted and urged Macbeth into committing the hideous act. Shakespeare suggests that Macbeth lacks the strength of character, but through manipulation of his ambitions, he gains the strength to carry out the act. With his inherited power Macbeth gains the access to do whatever he wants with those who oppose him. Macbeth has an idea in his head that he must follow his first impulse so he can retain his power. Macbeth is a classic dicator, a power hungry individual who will do anything to maintain his power. Another example of ambition is when Lady Macbeth plans the murder of Duncan and continually urges Macbeth to do it in order to fulfill the prophecy and desire.

As Macbeth is faced with all these feelings and emotions, it is revealed to the reader that he is not confident with his own decisions and was not as strong as he was perceived to be. He became tyrannical and conceited, fooling himself into believing that his recent obtainment of king allows himself to be okay with the murders he committed and treating everyone around him horribly. He took advantage of his power and used it negatively, leading himself to think that it was okay because the prophecy and Lady Macbeth told him to, even though he knew he was filled with guilt and anxiety within.

The Three Character Traits Of Lady Macbeth By William Shakespeare

As Macbeth tried to increase his power and limit outside influences, he began to make his own decisions rather than follow Lady Macbeth, thinking that he was now more powerful and smarter than everyone else. He made the decision to kill Banquo out of fear that he would lose his power and role as king. He felt threatened by the fact that someone could take what he took from someone else, second guessing himself and his securement of power. Cite this page.]

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