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Portuguese language Essays Essay On Why Students Go To Summer School
Portuguese language Essays

History[ edit ] There are several Mutapa origin stories, the most widely accepted told by oral tradition is of the princes of Great Zimbabwe.

The first "Mwene" was a warrior prince named Nyatsimba Mutota from the Kingdom of Zimbabwe who expanded the reach of the kingdom initially to discover new sources of salt in the north. Another historical narrative of the empire's origins is that Prince Mutota had broken away from Great Zimbabwe after going to war with Prince Mukwati, believed to have been either his brother Portuguese language Essays cousin over control of the Kingdom.

Expansion[ edit ] Mutota's son and successor, Nyanhewe Matope, extended this new kingdom into an empire encompassing most of the lands between Tavara and the Indian Ocean. The empire had reached its full extent by the year a mere 50 years following its creation. lxnguage

Portuguese language Essays

The religion of the Mutapa kingdom revolved around ritual consultation of spirits and of royal ancestors. Shrines were maintained within the capital by spirit mediums known as mhondoro.

The mhondoro also served as oral historians recording the names and deeds of past kings. While mining operations may have been what made the Shona kingdoms famous among explorers and traders, mining was always here a secondary activity to agriculture[ citation needed ]. The mining of gold was heavily controlled by the King and gold was traded for luxuries like silk, ceramics and other exotic items. They also traded other Portuguese language Essays for livestock, including sorghum, millet, ground beans, cow-peas, and bananas from Indonesia[ citation needed ].

Local trade was also a major part of the Portuguese language Essays, something seen to a great extent in the Rozvi Empire which succeeded it. The citizens of Mutapa also engaged in a number of industries including blacksmithing, cloth production among other activities, in Portuguese language Essays to agriculture, especially cattle rearing, and mining, especially of iron. Government[ edit ] The Mwene King was the political, administrative and religious head of the kingdom. The King lived in an enclosed compound with a separate building for the queen here another group of buildings for royal attendants.

The latter group typically consisted of males under 20 years of age who came from the families of subjugated tribal chiefs and whose presence guaranteed compliance with Mutapa rule.

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When these young males were of the age to become warriors, they were sent home and given Portuguese language Essays of land or their own regions to govern in order to ensure their future loyalty. They were not all wives or even women. The queen was a member, and another was perhaps the sister of the king Tetebut the others could be male ministers who had married into the royal family.

The ministers ruled over their own estates and had some judicial powers such as imposing the death sentence on those found guilty of serious crimes. Ministers were served by female servants, much like the young men who served the king. The difference was that these maids could also be the concubines of the king. The senior wife of the king did have real power and was responsible for relations with foreigners. As the Portuguese settled along the coast, they made their way Portuguese language Essays the hinterland as sertanejos backwoodsmen.

Portuguese language Essays

These sertanejos lived alongside Swahili traders and even took up service among Shona kings as interpreters and Portuguese language Essays advisors. And while the site was not within Mutapa's borders, the Mwenemutapa kept noblemen and some of his wives there. Olfert Dapper revealed four grand gateways which led to several halls and chambers in the Mutapa palace. The ceilings of the rooms in the palace were gilt with golden plates alongside ivory chandeliers which hanged on silver chains and filled the halls with light. This was probably the first grant of arms to a native of southern Africa; however it is unlikely that these arms were ever actually used by the Mwenemutapa.

Portuguese language Essays

This was all the excuse the Portuguese needed to penetrate the interior and take control of the gold mines and ivory routes. After a lengthy preparation, an expedition of 1, men under Francisco Barreto was launched in ]

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