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Platos Allegory Of The Cave Essay Platos Allegory Of The Cave Essay

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Hunter Gibson Words: According to Plato e are all prisoners who see the light and understand the world around us because of education. Who have lived there their entire lives and never seen the light. These prisoners are tied in such way that allows them to only Al,egory ahead and they cannot look around themselves. Behind them is a wall that has various statues that are handled by other people and due to a fire the statues cast shadows on another wall that the prisoners are facing. The prisoners watch these scenes and believe them to be real because this is all they ever see.

Analysis of Plato's Allegory of the Cave Essay example

Even when they talk to each other, these shadows are all they talk about. Plato describes this as the stage of imagination. The prisoner goes through a confusing period of pain and shock because of all the sudden exposure to light. Platoss prisoner realizes that what he has just seen is more real than anything else. He realizes owe the stories they saw were just shadows and copies of the real thing. After this the prisoner is taken outside the cave into the real world.

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At first the prisoner is so confused that he only looks at the shadows. But then he realizes where he is and slowly moves onto the reflections and finally towards the real objects. He sees that these are even more real than the Statues and the fire and that the statues Allegpry only copies of this.

Platos Allegory Of The Cave Essay

Plato describes this as the prisoner reaching the stage of thought. The prisoner has finally seen the eel forms and starts to think about them. Once the prisoner has adapted himself to the bright lights in the real world he looks up into the heavens and sees the sun. However, the prisoner cannot stay the real world forever.

He Cqve to return to the cave and help the other prisoners find their way to reality.

Platos Allegory Of The Cave Essay

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