Personal Narrative: The Phoenix Zoo - Custom Academic Help

Personal Narrative: The Phoenix Zoo Personal Narrative: The Phoenix Zoo

Personal Narrative: The Chahinkapa Zoo Personal Narrative: The Chahinkapa Zoo Words4 Pages Have you ever misjudged some people and you thought that you did not like them, but then they turned out to be really nice people? I have misjudged my neighbors when my family first moved to Sartell. When I first moved to Sartell, I assumed that I would not like my neighbors because I did not know any of them.

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When I met them, they turned out to be nice and respectful people. When I used to live in Wahpeton, I had a lot of good friends there. In Wahpeton, North Dakota I visited a zoo and went to a park. I visited one of my good friends every day and I hung out with them during the day.

Personal Narrative: The Phoenix Zoo

My friend and I visited a zoo called the Chahinkapa Zoo and we saw many animals. The Chahinkapa Zoo also had a merry-go-round that we would go to and I had a lot of fun riding on the merry-go-round.

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I heard the peaceful music and I heard the sound of the drum, boom, Persoanl I was riding the merry-go-round. I also felt the movement of going up and down on the merry-go-round. Riding the merry-go-round was like riding a horse. I also would go to a park called the Chahinkapa Park and I would play on the playground.

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When I arrived at the park, I jumped for joy Personall jogged to the playground. I would also go down the slippery slide and sail safely to the bottom of the slide. I had a lot of fun going to that park. That park also had a large hill and during the winter my friend and I would go sledding down the hill, which was a lot of fun.]

Personal Narrative: The Phoenix Zoo

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