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Personal Narrative: My Great Grandfather Emilio Collado Jr.

Personal Narrative: My Great Grandfather Emilio Collado Jr. - amusing

However, it was not easy for Coppola to convince Franklin J. Schaffner that the opening scene would work. Coppola later revealed in an interview, [28] I wrote the script of Patton. And the script was very controversial when I wrote it, because they thought it was so stylized. It was supposed to be like, sort of, you know, The Longest Day. And my script of Patton was—I was sort of interested in the reincarnation. Personal Narrative: My Great Grandfather Emilio Collado Jr.

His mother soon remarried, to a man named Peter Mueller.

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Vedder was raised believing that Mueller was his Grnadfather father, and he went by the name Edward Mueller for a time. It was at this point that Vedder, who had received a guitar from his mother on his twelfth birthday, began turning to music as well as surfing as a source of comfort.

He particularly found solace in The Who 's album, Quadrophenia.

Personal Narrative: My Great Grandfather Emilio Collado Jr.

I was all alone—except for music. His mother and brothers moved back to the Chicago area, but Vedder remained with his stepfather in California so he would not have to change schools.

Personal Narrative: My Great Grandfather Emilio Collado Jr.

After the divorce, Vedder learned the truth about his parentage: Mueller was really his stepfather. Vedder had met his biological father briefly as a child, but had believed that Severson was merely an old friend of his parents. By the time Vedder learned the truth, Severson had died of multiple sclerosis.

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During his senior year at San Dieguito High SchoolVedder moved out to live on his own in an apartment, supporting himself with a nightly job at a drug store in Encinitas. In the early s, while working Personal Narrative: My Great Grandfather Emilio Collado Jr. a waiter, Eddie earned his high school GEDand briefly attended a community college near Chicago. He kept busy recording demo tapes at his home and working various jobs, including a position as a contracted security guard at the La Valencia Hotel in La Jolla. The music Coollado the original incarnation of the band was influenced by Duran Duran ; however, after Vedder joined Bad Radio, the band moved on to a more alternative rock sound influenced by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. He listened to the Grandfatger shortly before going surfingwhere lyrics came to him.

The songs tell the story of a young man who, like Vedder, learns that he had been lied to about his paternity and that his real father is dead, grows up to become a serial killer, and is eventually imprisoned and sentenced to death. They were instantly impressed with his unique sound.]

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