Personal Development Plan (PDP) - Custom Academic Help

Personal Development Plan (PDP)

Personal Development Plan (PDP) - can

Personal Development Plan PDP Presentation Due Apr 19 by pm Points Submitting a text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload Available after Mar 29 at 12am Directions: Complete a Personal Development presentation, using the following questionnaire as a guide. Option 3: PowerPoint Presentation. Personal Development Plan (PDP) Personal Development Plan (PDP)

Module: The Healthcare Professional Overall career aspirations — Explain what your specific career goal is and how your university study will help you to achieve your goal approximately words SWOT — Identify three of your strengths and explain how they can help you achieve your career aspirations approximately words SWOT — Identify three of your areas of weakness that are necessary for development to achieve your career aspirations. Explain why they are needed to achieve your career aspirations approximately words Develop 5 goals in your action plan that will help you progress in achieving your career aspirations approximately words Goals What do you Personal Development Plan (PDP) to achieve and what is the purpose of each goal? Description of planned developmental activities — What do you need to do to achieve this goal?

What support do you require?

Personal Development Plan (PDP)

Target When do you aim to complete this goal? Criteria to judge success How will you know you have achieved this goal?

Personal Development Plan (PDP)

Evidence What will you include in your CPD portfolio to prove you have achieved this goal?]

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