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Nutrient In The Human Body Nutrient In The Human Body

Sleep eight hours a day. None of them are true. They transmit information to each other across gaps called synapses, of which the brain has almost one quadrillion.

Nutrient In The Human Body

The brain is sectioned into three primary parts-the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brain stem. The cerebrum composes roughly 85 percent of the organ and is responsible for much of the higher-level functioning we associate with being human.

And finally, you have the brain stem. Connected to your spinal cord, the brain stem controls most of your automatic functions, such as breathing and digestion.

Nutrient In The Human Body

We just have to try harder. Pretty ridiculous, right? Further research at the start of the 20th century found that rats with cerebral damage could be retaught certain tasks.

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This was used to bolster the already weak case that our human brain is full of Nutrient In The Human Body potential. Alas, this factoid is completely ridiculous with no basis in modern science. Just reading this paragraph uses more than 10 percent of your brain. Oh well. It Takes Seven Years To Digest A Piece Of Gum: After swallowing a particularly large piece of bubblegum, many of you may remember being horrified to hear that your digestive tract would spend the next seven years trying to digest it.

Although the origins of this myth are elusive, it has borne out a relative truth about chewing gum. Excess ingredients like sweeteners may be digested, but the bulk of the gum is an elastomer that gets moved through your digestive tract without being broken down. Then the gum comes out the other end via the excretory system and is usually unscathed. Foreign, inedible objects have to be roughly larger than a United States quarter to get stuck in your digestive system. Otherwise, they flow like junk down a stream, right out the other end. Pretty awful that chocolate, the one thing that makes adolescence bearable, lights up your face with ugly zits.

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Eating chocolate will not cause you to break out. Furthermore, those unhealthy foods lead to higher levels of skin inflammation. But will chocolate-or any food source that matter-make your skin break out? The answer to that is a resounding no. Eating high levels of fatty foods will definitely trip up your blood sugar, which can indirectly affect breakout levels.

But no single food item is your golden ticket to avoiding teenage pimples. Carrots Improve Eyesight: The myth that carrots will improve your vision is wrapped up in a twisted history of wartime propaganda. To be fair, carrots are great sources of beta-carotene, an inactive retinol that is transformed into vitamin A during digestion. Vitamin A provides all sorts of benefits Nutrient In The Human Body the body, including the protection of eyesight.

The British Ministry of Information ran a campaign during Nutrient In The Human Body War II that suggested pilots in the Royal Air Force were eating large quantities of carrots, explaining their uncanny ability to shoot down German fighter pilots under the veil of darkness.]

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