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Being a leader is failing and bringing yourself back to the top again because it shows you and others that you are unstoppable no matter the situations you come across. Being a leader is ever-growing more self-aware and seeking to improve yourself while encouraging the others around you to do the same. Being a leader is not always being right about everything, but always doing the best you can to get the right solution or to find the best person with the skills who will meat the goal. I remember at a young age being told by dad that I can either be the leader or the follower. He told me a follower would have to fall under the command of the person in charge. I would not be making the big decisions and that most likely my life would be less stressful. Whereas a leader you are the star of the game and the face of the group. So if I ever messed up it is me who they will come after. So naturally I made note to myself that I will never become a leader because whoever wants to get in trouble? My Leadership Philosophy Paper: Me As A Leader My Leadership Philosophy Paper: Me As A Leader

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7 Questions for Developing Your Personal Leadership Philosophy

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Yes, I agree about that. Manager is someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people so that organization goals can be accomplished. Leader is someone who can influence others and who has managerial authority. There is difference between leaders and managers.

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Managing is about efficiency. Leading is about effectiveness. Managing is about how.

My Leadership Philosophy Paper: Me As A Leader

Leading is about what and why. Management is about systems, controls, procedures, policies, and structure. Leadership is about trust — about people.


Leadership is about innovating and initiating. Management is about copying, about managing the status quo. Leadership is creative, adaptive, and agile. Leadership looks at the horizon, not just the bottom line. How to become a leader, not just a manager? This requires managers to make the appropriate changes and adjustments in the role.

But today, more emphasis on a vision, it is more important than strategy.

My Leadership Philosophy Paper: Me As A Leader

Because the strategy itself has a lot of uncertainty, if you try the strategy to attract some followers, often may not be Philosopy to achieve their goals. People here to do things for the leader was not interested, but if the leader to subordinates show a vision is a grand blueprint, this time, people are willing to follow the leader to share this glory. So a good vision, you should have four 4 conditions.

My Leadership Philosophy Paper: Me As A Leader

Ideality A good vision should be consistent with an expectation for the future, has a good incentive. It could create a proud, self-esteem, vitality Mr a sense of accomplishment. Measurable A good vision should have a standard of excellence reflects the height of the ideal. Attract An exciting vision can cause widespread concern. In order to facilitate memory, the corporate vision can be expressed in simple language.

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Besides this, a good leader must have passion, integrity, trust, curiosity, daring. From the conductor to the storyteller In fact, the role of adjustment with the first relationship, a strategic leader in the layout of the tasks is ordered. Vision type of leader is not the same; he in fact is induced in a source Essay On Pigeons inspiration to achieve their goals.

The leader Philosolhy that the vision of style, way of communicating instead of command. Of course, this also requires some skill. Tell a story of leadership often heartwarming story to inspire the morale of the staff, even under the Leadeg of vision, but in turn if the story you speak do not have anything interesting you would be very difficult to encourage a group of people to achieve the target. In fact, the best story is about some of the problems of your own, including some of your personal problems, including some of the issues in your organization, including your own experience, that is, from the nature of the problem. For example, who you are today in what the status, the future of enterprise is what kind of goals to be reached. But the storyteller has it must pay attention, that is to do practice what they preach. Change from a system builder This shift is related in front of the two elements. If the leader is the spread of ideas is well known, Leadeer are already familiar with, that does not require you to do.

In this sense, one of the important responsibilities of a leader lies in change and here

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