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Music In The Philippine Culture Video

The Heart of the Filipino Music Video Music In The Philippine Culture. Music In The Philippine Culture

What was a typical day for him? Well, he would be in his trousers and he would just drink coffee with you or have breakfast with you. Just tell him why you are visiting him, or Musiv some artist will perform his music, and if you are borrowing his composition for that artist. He will look for the specific composition that you need. How do you call Maestro San Pedro?

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I call him Daddy Lucio — even my brothers call him that. We do not call him Lolo Lucio because by blood, he is my grand uncle. What memorable experience concerning the music of Maestro San Pedro that you cannot forget? I have many experiences with him, not only with his music. He also told me what course to take, and that would be Composition. I took the entrance exam and I passed. Maestro did not endorse me. The piece is about Ulot, Leyte in the Visayas.


He gave me a copy of the piano vocal score. But he had notations like what instrument is playing like oboe, strings. So, you conducted the orchestra for that piece and you still in high school? No, it was a band. I was a member of the band.

I used to play the saxophone, then the clarinet.

Music and Faith

Before the last piece was played — it was a German march — Maestro Lucio called me and said that I will conduct the last piece. I did not have any rehearsal, it was impromptu. I knew I could do it, but of course I was surprised! What advise did Maestro San Pedro give you that you still practice?

Music In The Philippine Culture

Actually, he told theoretical things for musicians like moving from dominant to tonic, he explained that to me. Theories like that. If you are a composition major, you would understand. Another thing he showed me is when he is conducting the band, everybody is alert. Music In The Philippine Culture is discipline.

He gets upset, while he is rehearsing with the band or orchestra if there is a mistake. One time, there was a boy from a San Mateo band who attended and rehearsed with our Angono Band. Then someone played the wrong note in the trumpet section.

Music In The Philippine Culture

As I said earlier, this boy was not an Angono band member, he was just attending to get the feel of it. And Maestro was very mad, stopped and look angrily at the new boy. Hindi po ako, siya po.]

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