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. Morality In Les Miserables Morality In Les Miserables

Character[ edit ] As Hugo depicts it, Javert's misguided and self-destructive pursuit of justice is more tragic than villainous.

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He is "a compound" of "respect for authority and hatred of rebellion," Hugo writes, "but he made them almost bad by dint of his exaggeration of them". His life is one "of privations, isolation, self-denial, and chastity—never any amusement".

And he would have done it with that sort of interior satisfaction that springs from virtue. Following his encounters with Jean Valjean during the June Rebellionin which he is first spared by Valjean and, later, spares him arrest, Javert experiences a deep torment caused by the compromise of his previous worldview. Where previously he has "never in his life known source but one straight line", Valjean's Moeality compels him to see two: "both equal straight", and "contradictory". The profound confusion caused by this—by the realization that the law is not infallible, that he himself is not irreproachable, and that there exists a superior force identified by Hugo with God Morality In Les Miserables what he has known—plunges him into such a despair that he commits suicide. Lex

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Years later, LeesValjean is living under the name Monsieur Madeleine and serving as the mayor of a small town identified only as Montreuil-sur-Merwhere he is a successful manufacturer. Javert arrived in to serve as an inspector with the local police.

Javert suspects Madeleine's true identity and becomes convinced of it when he watches Madeleine demonstrate extraordinary strength Morality In Les Miserables lifting a loaded cart off of a man trapped beneath it. Madeleine also antagonizes Javert by dismissing his attempt to arrest Fantinea prostitute detained for having a violent row with a street idler. Javert decides to denounce Valjean as an ex-convict, but learns from Parisian authorities that they have already more info someone who calls himself Champmathieu whom they believe is really Valjean and whom several former convicts have already identified as Valjean.

Unsure, Javert goes to Arras to see Champmathieu and satisfies himself that this the real Miserbles. Morality In Les Miserables returns and visits Madeleine and asks him to dismiss him from the police because he "has failed in respect, and in the gravest manner, towards a magistrate" by suspecting Madeleine.

Morality In Les Miserables

He tells Madeleine: "You will say that I might have handed in my resignation, but that does not suffice. Handing in one's resignation is honorable. I have failed in my duty; I ought to be punished; I must be turned out.

Morality In Les Miserables

He returns to Montreuil-sur-Mer, where Javert arrests him the next morning at Fantine's hospital bedside. Valjean asks for three days Morality In Les Miserables bring Fantine's daughter Cosette to her, but Javert denies his request. Valjean escapes from the city jail, is later recaptured and returned to the galleys, and escapes a few months later, though the authorities think he has drowned. Part Two: Cosette[ edit ] Javert is recruited to be an inspector in the capital. Javert is informed of Valjean's presumed death which the latter had feigned during his last escape not long after it happens. Early in the yearJavert hears of an alleged kidnapping: a foster child taken from the couple that kept her.

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Lse March of the same year, Javert hears of a man nicknamed "the beggar who gives alms. When Valjean attempts to escape with Cosette, Javert chases them into what seems to him a dead end. Valjean evades capture by climbing over the stone wall of a convent and pulling Cosette up over the wall on a rope.]

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