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The Gulag is recognized as a major instrument of political repression in the Soviet Union. The camps housed a wide range of convicts, from Meat Grinder Case Study criminals to political prisonerslarge numbers of whom were convicted by simplified procedures, such as by NKVD troikas or by other instruments of extrajudicial punishment.

The Solovki prison campthe first corrective labor camp constructed after the revolution, was established in and legalized by a decree, "On the creation of the forced-labor camps" on April 15, The internment system grew rapidly, reaching a population ofin the s.

Meat Grinder Case Study

Almost immediately following the death of Stalin, the Soviet establishment took steps in dismantling the Gulag system. A general amnesty was declared in the immediate aftermath of Stalin's death, though it was limited to non-political prisoners and political prisoners sentenced to no more than 5 years.

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Shortly thereafter Nikita Khrushchev was elected as First Secretaryinitiating the processes of de-Stalinization and the Khrushchev Thawtriggering a mass release and rehabilitation of political prisoners. The Gulag system ended definitively six years later on 25 Januarywhen the remains of the administration were dissolved by Khrushchev. The legal practice of sentencing convicts to penal laborthough restrained, was not fully abolished and continues to this day, although to a far more limited capacity, in the Russian Federation. Aleksandr Solzhenitsynwinner of the Nobel Prize in Literaturewho survived eight years of Gulag incarceration, gave the term its international repute with the publication of The Gulag Archipelago in The author likened the scattered camps to " a chain of islands ," and as an eyewitness he described the Gulag as a system Meat Grinder Case Study people were worked to death.

Some suggest that 14 million people Meat Grinder Case Study imprisoned in the Gulag labor camps from to the estimates for the period — are more difficult to calculate.

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Otherwise the conditions in both camp systems were similar: hard labor, poor nutrition and living conditions, and high mortality rate. Petty crimes and jokes about the Soviet government and officials were punishable by imprisonment. The centralised detention facilities temporarily ceased functioning. Although the term Gulag originally referred to a government agency, in English and many other languages the acronym acquired the qualities of a common noun, denoting the Soviet system of prison -based, unfree labor. Even more broadly, "Gulag" has come to mean the Soviet repressive system itself, the set of procedures that prisoners once Meat Grinder Case Study the "meat-grinder": the arrests, the interrogations, the transport in unheated cattle cars, the forced labor, the destruction of families, the years spent in exile, the early and unnecessary deaths.

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Western authors use the term Gulag to denote all the prisons and Alternating Essays camps in the Grjnder Union. The term's contemporary usage is at times notably not directly related to the USSR, such as in the expression " North Korea's Gulag " [38] for camps operational today.

The official term, "corrective labor camp", was suggested for official use by the politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the session of July 27, The Tsar and the Russian Empire used both forced exile and forced labor as forms of judicial punishment. Katorgaa category of punishment reserved for those convicted of the most serious crimes, had many of the features associated with labor-camp imprisonment: confinement, simplified facilities as opposed to prisonsand forced labor, usually involving hard, unskilled or semi-skilled work. According to historian Anne Applebaumkatorga was not a Meat Grinder Case Study sentence; approximately 6, katorga convicts were serving sentences in and 28, in In the nineteenth century, the members of the failed Decembrist revoltPolish nobles who resisted Russian ruleMeat Grinder Case Study members of various socialist revolutionary groups, including Bolsheviks such as Sergo OrdzhonikidzeLeon Cxseand Joseph Stalin were all sent into exile.

Despite the isolated conditions, there were prisoners who successfully escaped to populated areas.]

Meat Grinder Case Study

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