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Jem Quotes In To Kill A Mockingbird

Jem Quotes In To Kill A Mockingbird - quite You

He is a lawyer and was once known as "One-shot Finch" and "the deadest shot in Maycomb County. He appears to support racial equality and was appointed to represent Tom Robinson, a black man who has been accused of raping a young white woman, Mayella Ewell. The town disapproves of him defending Tom especially when he makes clear his intent to defend Tom Robinson to the best of his abilities. He was also an honest person, he tried to help everyone he could. He is the moral center of the story. She comments on how she could not understand something at the time but now can appreciate it. She gets into trouble with Miss Caroline, her teacher because she is expected to learn reading and writing her way. She is a tomboy and spends most of her time with her brother Jem and best friend Dill. Jem Quotes In To Kill A Mockingbird

Atticus: We are indeed. Scout: Are we as poor as the Cunninghams? Atticus: No, not exactly. The Cunninghams are country folks, farmers. The crash hit them the hardest. A warm-hearted neighbor woman, Miss Maudie Atkinson Rosemary Murphywho is keenly interested in Atticus and his children, is working in her garden across the street. When Jem complains to her that his father "is too old for anything," she stoutly defends him: He can do plenty of things He can make somebody's Mockigbird so airtight you can't break it. You count your blessings and stop complaining, both of you. Thank your stars he has the sense to act his age. As Jem looks down from his treehouse into Miss Stephanie Crawford's Alice Ghostley collard patch next door, he spots a crouching boy sitting among the plants.

To Kill A Mockingbird Essay

Dill is a peculiar, eccentric boy wise beyond his years who boasts he's "goin' on seven" and "I'm little but I'm old. They are intrigued by the creaky old wooden place, believing the frightful tale that it is occupied by a hateful man named Mr. Radley Richard Hale and his mentally-crazed, terrifying son - an elusive, mysterious recluse named Arthur "Boo" Radley Robert Duvall in a stunning film debut.

Jem sees Mr. Radley walk by and quiets his pals, and then they run over and stare at the Radley house and yard: Jem: There goes the meanest man that ever took a breath of life.

Jem Quotes In To Kill A Mockingbird

Dill: Why is he the meanest man? Jem: Well, for one thing, he has a boy named Boo that he keeps chained to a bed in the house yonder See, he lives over there. Boo only comes out at night when you're asleep and it's pitch-dark. When you wake up at night, you can hear him.

Jem Quotes In To Kill A Mockingbird

Once I heard him scratchin' on our screen door, but he was gone by the time Atticus got there. Dill: intrigued I wonder what he does in there? I wonder what he looks like? Jem: Well, judgin' from his tracks, he's about six and a half feet tall. He eats raw squirrels and all the cats he can catch. There's a long, jagged scar that runs all the way across his face. His teeth are yella and rotten. His eyes are popped.

Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

And he drools most of the time. Dill's spinsterish Aunt Stephanie Crawford fills the children's myth-making minds with even more horrifying images of the fearsome Boo Radley - who hasn't been seen since his family locked him up years earlier: There's a maniac lives there and he's dangerous I was standing in my yard one day when his Mama come out yelling, 'He's killin' us all.

They wanted to send him to an asylum, but his daddy said no Radley was going to any asylum.]

Jem Quotes In To Kill A Mockingbird

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