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Mirjalili Introduction:After Islamic Revolution of Iran, buying bonds by private sector was recognized as incompatible in accordance with Islamic Jurisprudence. Because capital from issuing bonds should inject for the development plans of Government and profit-based construction plans with desirable level of return, one alternative of conventional bond could be a specific type of sukuk which is similar to the certificate of deposit with respect to disbursement of profit. In this regard like CDs in banking system in Iran, based on IRR or ROR of the projects, specific portion of profit could be paid to the sukuk holders in advance and at the end of period of Musharakah Sukuk, materialized profit could be payable to the investors. It means that at the beginning of issuance and based on the ROR of the project, percentage of profit paid to holders of Musharakah Sukuk and at the maturity based on final calculation of profit, materialized profit could be determined. This module became as basis for first issuance of Musharakah Sukuk in Iran and rules and regulations governing such an issuance. Issuing Musharakah Sukuk and its payable profit has been exempted from tax. Musharakah Sukuk based on its definition, are bearer or registered securities which based on law or central bank permit shall be issued based on Par value and certain period of time and in order to afford financial resources required for construction, completion and development of producing, building and service projects including financial resources required for procurement of raw material of producing units by government, state-owned companies, municipalities and public non-governmental institutions, non-profit institutions and affiliate companies of all these entities, public and private joint stock companies and producing cooperatives. Islamic republic Essays Islamic republic Essays

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Islamic republic Essays

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