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Influence Of Tamil Language In English Speech Production Video

MUNIBA MAZARI MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH WITH ENGLISH AND TAMIL SUBTITLES Influence Of Tamil Language In English Speech Production. Influence Of Tamil Language In English Speech Production

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Concerning the geographical dialects of Malayalam, surveys conducted so far by the Department of Linguistics, University of Kerala restricted the focus of attention during a given study on one specific caste please click for source as to avoid mixing up of more than one variable such as communal and geographical factors. Thus for example, the survey of the Ezhava dialect of Malayalam, results of which have been published by the Department inhas brought to light the existence of twelve major dialect areas for Malayalam, although the isoglosses are found to crisscross in many instances. Sub-dialect regions, which could be marked off, were found to be thirty. This number Influence Of Tamil Language In English Speech Production reported to tally approximately with the number of principalities that existed during the pre-British period in Kerala.

In a few instances at least, as in the case of Venad, Karappuram, Nileswaram, and Kumbala, the known boundaries of old principalities are found to coincide with those of certain dialects or sub-dialects that retain their individuality even today. This seems to reveal the significance of political divisions in Kerala in bringing about dialect differences. Differences between any two given dialects can be quantified in terms of the presence or absence of specific units at each level of the language.

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To cite a single example of language variation along with the geographical parameter, it may be noted that there are as many IIn seventy-seven different expressions employed by the Ezhavas and spread over various geographical points just to refer to a single item, namely, the flower bunch of coconut. In addition to these forms most widely spread among the areas specified above, there are dozens of other forms such as 'kotumpu' Kollam and Thiruvananthapuramclick Kottayamkrali Pathanamthittapattachi, gnannil Kollam'pochata' Palakkad etc. The Sanskrit educated stratum among the Nairs resembles the Brahmin dialect in many respects. The amount of Sanskrit influence, however, is found to be steadily decreasing as one descends along with the parameter of time.

Influence Of Tamil Language In English Speech Production

In the Nair dialect, it is a mid-central unrounded vowel whereas in the Ezhava dialect it is often heard as a lower high back unrounded vowel. It is very much influenced by Arabic and Persian rather than by Sanskrit or by English. The retroflex continuant zha of the literary dialect is realised in the Muslim dialect as the palatal ya.

In some other dialects of Northern Kerala too, zha of the literary dialect is realised as ya[ citation needed ] The Syrian Engliah dialect of Malayalam is quite close to the Nair dialect, especially in phonology.

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The speech of the educated section among Syrian Christians and that of who are close to the church are peculiar in having a number of assimilated as well as unassimilated loan words from English and Syriac.

The few loan words which have found their way into the Christian dialect are assimilated in many cases through Influsnce process of de-aspiration.

Influence Of Tamil Language In English Speech Production

Langauge Malayalam has a substantially high amount of Sanskrit loanwords but these are seldom used. Another Muslim dialect called Beary bashe is used in the extreme northern part of Kerala and the southern part of Karnataka. For a comprehensive list of loan words, see Loan words in Malayalam. Geographic distribution and population[ edit ].]

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