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Brave New World - Summary \u0026 Analysis - Aldous Huxley Identity In Brave New World Essay. Identity In Brave New World Essay

Afterall, the mere basic interactions we have are based on a complexity of reactions that trigger emotions.

Identity In Brave New World Essay

Aldous argues that we have become weak by these natural reactions and because of them we have become divided. Happiness in layman terms is about feeling good, in which things go well, our needs and desire are easily satisfied and with a lack or stress or worry.

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If they saw anything that could jeopardize that stability of artificial happinesssuch as personal connections, spirituality, independent thinking, is vilified and culled. Huxley begins the novel by thoroughly explaining the scientific and compartmentalized nature of this society, beginning at the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre, where children are created outside the womb and cloned in order to increase the population.

The reader is then introduced to the class system of this Identjty, where Identity In Brave New World Essay are sorted as embryos to be of a certain class. The embryos, which exist within tubes and incubators, are provided with differing amounts of chemicals and hormones in order to condition them into predetermined classes.

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Embryos destined for the higher classes get chemicals to perfect them both physically and mentally, whereas those of the lower classes are altered to be imperfect in those respects. The Alphas are bred to be leaders and the Epsilons are bred to be menial labourers. The identity piece of the motto is much more intriguing concept. People are cloned and conditioned to fill a certain role in society, they are given an identity. Neww

Identity In Brave New World Essay

They are educated only on what is important for their predetermined task and their intelligence level is even adjusted. The role of the individual has almost ceased to exist.

Identity In Brave New World Essay

The main solution used to keep everyone happy is soma. If someone is ever feeling even slightly depressed or thinking too deeply about something, he simply takes a soma holiday to forget about everything.]

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