How Did Genghis Khan Influence The Mongol Empire - Custom Academic Help

How Did Genghis Khan Influence The Mongol Empire

How Did Genghis Khan Influence The Mongol Empire - opinion

Uncategorized Genghis Khan, aka Temujin, has left historical footprints that have not been wiped out even though nearly a millennium has passed since his death. At its peak, the Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous empire in human history. In fact, it is contended that his actions are directly and indirectly responsible for the events of modern history — a heavy claim when you realize that it is all attributed to one man. So what made Genghis Khan into the man — and the Khan — that he eventually became? What turned a simple tribesman from north-east Asia into a man who was as notorious for his conquests as the devastation he left behind? The video focuses on one of the most influential people in his life — his mother. It explores the traits she passed on to him and the impact the harsh life of the Steppes had on a young and timid boy. For instance, did you know that the young Temujin was afraid of dogs? That the impact is significant can be seen in the fact that 16 million males today carry his DNA — and that is just one facet of his influence. How Did Genghis Khan Influence The Mongol Empire.

How Did Genghis Khan Influence The Mongol Empire Video

Ten Minute History - Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire (Short Documentary) How Did Genghis Khan Influence The Mongol Empire

The Khans guaranteed protection only if those who submitted to Mongol rule were obedient. Sources record massive destruction, terror and death if there was resistance. David Nicole notes in The Mongol Warlords that "terror and mass extermination of anyone opposing them was a well-tested Mongol tactic".

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Such was the fate of resisting Muslim communities during the invasions of the Khwarezmid Empire. Terror[ edit ] The success of Mongol tactics hinged on fear to induce capitulation of enemy populations. From the perspective of modern Genghia of international relationsQuester suggested, "Perhaps terrorism produced a fear that immobilized and incapacitated the forces that would have resisted.

How Did Genghis Khan Influence The Mongol Empire

The Mongols frequently faced states with armies and resources greater than their own. In the beginning, Temujin, the birthname of Genghis Khan, started off with a band of youths and some women, and he later had troops of 20, that initially faced the city states and interests of the Kin domain, which mainly included China, with then probably a 2-million-strong army, each city being populated with hundreds of Ho of inhabitants, and simply invading all of them was out of the question. Furthermore, a supine nation was more desirable than a sacked one.

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While both provided the same territorial gains, the former would continue to provide taxes and conscripts long after the conflict ended, but the latter would Monol depopulated and economically worthless once available goods and slaves were seized. Thus, whenever possible, by using the "promise" of wholesale execution in case of resistance, Mongol forces made efficient conquests, which, in turn, allowed them to attack multiple targets and redirect soldiers and material where they were the most needed.

Drawing of Mongols outside Vladimir The reputation of guaranteed wholesale enactment on those who fought them was also the primary reason that the Mongols could hold vast territories iDd after their main force had moved How Did Genghis Khan Influence The Mongol Empire. Even if the tumens tyumens were hundreds or thousands of miles away, the conquered people would usually not dare to interfere with the token Mongol occupying force since they feared a likely Mongol return.

The linchpin of Mongol success was the widespread perception by their enemies that they were facing an insurmountable juggernaut that could be placated only by surrender.

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The Mongols may have counted on reports of horrifying massacres and torture to terrify their foes. The goal was to convince all that the costs of surrendering were not nearly onerous enough to risk an unwinnable war, with a guarantee of complete annihilation if they lost.

How Did Genghis Khan Influence The Mongol Empire

That strategy was adopted partly because of the Mongols' lesser numbers. If their opponents were not sufficiently subdued, there was a greater chance they could rise again and attack the Mongols when the latter left to deal with other settlements.]

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