Holden Caulfield Rejection Analysis - pinsoftek.com Custom Academic Help

Holden Caulfield Rejection Analysis Video

Holden Caulfield Rejection Analysis

Holden tells his life story and is currently going through psychiatric care.

Holden Caulfield Rejection Analysis

He is expelled for failing the majority of his classes except English. Holden visits his old teacher Mr. Spencer before he leaves Pencey. Spencer gave Holden advice but the irresponsible sixteen-year-old ignored the advice that he gave Holden.

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Holden lost the fight, leaves Pencey to return to New York City where his parents live. Holden stays in the Edmont Hotel; this is when he meets Maurice a pimp.

Holden Caulfield Rejection Analysis

He becomes too nervous and refuses to go on with it and just wants to have a friendly conversation. Sunny and Maurice soon return to collect the extra cash; Maurice hits Holden and steals his Analyssis. Holden returns home to see his little sister Phoebe, while avoiding his parents.

Holden Caulfield Rejection Analysis

He would come out of somewhere and always catch them just before they fall off the cliff. Holden falls asleep but when he awakens he finds Mr. Antolini coming on to him so he decides to leave. Holden Analyss Phoebe that he is leaving; she tells him that she wants to go with him and becomes angry when he refuses.

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He takes Phoebe to the zoo and holden is happy watching her spin around the carousel. Holden ends his story here. Interactions with Caulfield have been relatively unhampered, he presented his story in an acceptably complete form and manner.]

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