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Hitlers Response To The Final Solution Video

Chapter 9: The Final Solution of the Jewish Question

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Hitlers Response To The Final Solution

He also enjoyed giving girls lethal injections with a hypodermic needle. After watching them die in agony, he would have their bodies boiled for soap. Another inhuman monster, Major Alois Anton Brunner, learned recently that his crimes have not been forgotten.

Nazi Crimes And The Holocaust

A Vienna court sentenced him to hang in May,but he escaped and fled to Egypt. Brunner changed his name to George Fischer and pretended, as had so many other fugitive Nazis, to be a respectable exporter-importer. He received three letters and a small parcel wrapped in brown paper. As he opened the package, it exploded.

Talking Points

He was badly burned on the face, chest and arms. Several postal clerks and customers also were hurt by the bomb blast. His only visitors at the hospital were Nasser politicians and police officials. Syrian security forces arrested Brunner as his bodyguards were trying to smuggle him out of the hospital. Along with Sarraj and other Nasser.

Special Report

He then lived in Syria. Helping Assad regime. April 12, am at am ]

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