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Fynbos Biome Research Paper

Snelgrove, J. Earth Syst. Alterations in snow accumulation and ablation have important implications for soil water availability to plants at the start of the growing season Smith et al. Myers-Smith et Fynbos Biome Research Paper. Understanding how northern forests may respond to these anticipated hydrological changes would benefit from greater knowledge of the sources of water taken up by major tree species in these landscapes Guswa et al. Environmental isotopes have often been used to study water use by vegetation e. Evaristo et al.


This hypothesis proposes that a highly mobile pool of soil water similar in isotopic composition to precipitation contributes to groundwater and streamflow, while a less mobile pool of evaporatively enriched soil water supplies plant Fynbos Biome Research Paper Goldsmith here al. The review of the ecohydrological separation hypothesis by McCutcheon et al. This difference can be linked to isotopically distinct soil water sources.

These isotopically distinct soil water sources arise from differences in soil water mobility. Studies have called one or more of these assumptions into question, such as the assumption that mobile and tightly retained subsurface waters are independent water pools Sprenger et al. For example, Bowling et al. Nevertheless, the interface between soils and plants represents the potential source of novel advances in process understanding in ecohydrology, and systematic assessments of plant—soil water isotopic dynamics need to be examined across distinct soil types and vegetation structures Dubbert and Werner, There is a particular need to examine relationships between the isotopic composition of xylem water in relation to that of potential source waters in northern forests Tetzlaff et al.

Fynbos Biome Research Paper

Most ecohydrological separation studies have also been restricted to the growing season Liu et al. This variability Fynbos Biome Research Paper northern landscapes is driven in part by a pronounced annual cycle that ranges from isotopically depleted snowfall to isotopically enriched summer rainfall Birks and Fynos,with important implications for the isotopic composition of source water available for plant uptake at the start of the growing season McCutcheon et al.

Plant—soil water isotopic dynamics may also differ between tree species in northern landscapes.

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The purpose of this study is to examine the co-evolution of the isotopic composition of xylem water and soil water from pre-leaf out to post-senescence for some common tree species in Canada's northern Poetry Is A Luxury landscapes. We address Fynbks following questions: What are the temporal Fynbos Biome Research Paper in the isotopic composition of soil water and xylem water throughout the complete growing season in a northern forest landscape, and do the trajectories of such changes differ between tree species? What are the potential drivers of any inter-specific differences in the deviation of the isotopic composition of xylem water from that of soil water? Answering these questions may improve our understanding of relationships between soil water and water taken up for transpiration by different tree species in northern forests and provide insight into how these species may respond to hydroclimatic change in northern landscapes.

Pleistocene glacial till overlies Precambrian Fynbo silicate bedrock Wels et al. Visual observations of outcrops in PC-1 suggest the bedrock is relatively unfractured. Forest cover is largely coniferous and dominated by red oak Quercus rubra, Oreastern white pine Pinus strobus, Pweastern hemlock Tsuga canadensis, Hewhite cedar Thuja occidentalis, Ce and black spruce Picea mariana.

The latter is confined to a wetland occupying the central portion of PC Leaf out of Or Fynbos Biome Research Paper in mid-May, while senescence occurs by early October.

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Figure 1Digital elevation model of the PC-1 catchment, showing the location of trees sampled for xylem water and bulk soil water Ce — eastern white cedar, He — eastern hemlock, Or — red oak, Pw — eastern white pine and the meteorological station. Daily potential evapotranspiration PET values were taken from Sprenger et al. Five mature trees with similar diameter at breast heights Fynbos Biome Research Paper were chosen for each species Table 1. Xylem water was sampled Hughes Essays times between October and Novemberincluding Paaper 26 October to 3 Novemberpre-leaf out 26 to 29 Aprilpost-leaf-out 20 to 22 Junepeak-leaf out 8 to 10 Augustpre-senescence 23 to Fynbos Biome Research Paper September and post-senescence 2 to 4 November Xylem cores were extracted from each tree at breast height using an increment borer 3-thread, 5.

Fynbos Biome Research Paper

Cores were extracted a few centimetres above or below the preceding core. Bark was removed from retrieved cores, which were immediately stored in mL glass scintillation vials with zero headspace.]

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