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Eyewitness Testimony Research Paper. Eyewitness Testimony Research Paper

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Memory and eyewitness testimony Research Paper The project for this course is a written paper that reviews, in depth, a topic in cognition and memory. You will choose your own topic and have the topic approved by your instructor. When you have selected a topic, please email your instructor for approval. You Testimong browse through the course resources and see if any of the course materials spark your interest for further research.

Eyewitness Testimony Research Paper

An example of an acceptable topic is the contribution of Dr. Your paper should summarize fundamental issues, questions, and controversies and provide Eyewitness Testimony Research Paper general overview of the topic. To accomplish Eyeiwtness, you will have to use recent research articles published within the past five years to illustrate relevant points. You may use any of a number of electronic databases to find research articles that deal with your topic, including the library and the Internet. The one requirement for your selected research articles is that they must have appeared in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

You may wish to consult the library staff or your instructor to determine whether a particular journal is peer-reviewed.

Eyewitness Testimony Essay

You may not use the course text or newspaper or magazine articles as your major reference, but they are sometimes useful when they lead you to an appropriate research article. Avoid simply repeating the articles in summary form; use them within the text of your paper to illustrate important points. The body of your paper is to be 7 — 10 pages in length.

Eyewitness Testimony Research Paper

Note: The body of your paper does not include, title page, reference page or abstract. Check the Course Schedule in this syllabus for the due date. Your instructor will determine the penalty for late submission of papers "Looking for a Similar Assignment? Order now and Get a Discount!]

Eyewitness Testimony Research Paper

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