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Essay On Rapture.

In which chapter it is related how it surpasseth in brilliance all other glasses in which we see darkly, and how by it we see face to face; and of its divers reflections, and of the brightness and perfection of its surface, and the whiteness of the silver of which it is moulded; for it was cast from the crucible of many mysteries, and fashioned by the cunning hand of a master who will endure Essay On Rapture the end.

ON surveying the works of Aleister Crowley the two essential facts that grip our understanding are: firstly, the superabundance of his genius; and secondly, the diversity of his form.

Essay On Rapture

Pregnant it certainly is, and more, being already the mother of a large family, a family as diverse as the Essay On Rapture of Uranus, father of the Gods, born to him by Earth, earthy and celestial. Sweet lyrics are crushed cheek by jowl with the most corrosive satire, sonorous heroics and blank verse at times merge into the most raucous of Hudibrasian doggerel, rimes of the sweetest and the most perverse character ring in our astonished ear, tragedy and farce, ever extremes: Paul and Virginie sitting on the knees of Pantagruel, blowing kisses through the Sephirotic circle of eternity.

Interesting Topics Essay

And so if we read this strange poet aright, we shall see as we progress onwards, that he has struck a sonorous note from the rim of Time, fulfilled of the knowledge of good and evil, sweet to the ears of those who are born children by the daughters of men to the sons of God, sweet as that mystic fruit was to the lips of Eve, daughter of God, child of the mystic Man. But we must speed on, Om in this chapter swift glances at the magnificent scenery that these volumes offer up to us, plucking the lilies of spring and the roses of summer, and weave them into a laureate wreath with the fiery leaves of the dying year. And here we think, were Poe still living, he would have found no small part of his ideal realized. Further Poe states: that an epic was of itself a nullity, and that a poem of great length, commencing as it might in exaltation, ended in nine cases Rapyure of ten in somnolence. Poetry Essay On Rapture stimulate, it must irritate the soul in some definite manner, or else Essay On Rapture ceases to be poetry.

For when once poetry exerts a soporific power its whole object is lost, and, as a flash of lightning, it must he vivid, bright, flaming for a moment, awful, eloquent, rushing from the darkness of night through the flashing elements of day into the silence of eternity.

And this is exactly the poetry we here find. This interspersing of lyrics Essay On Rapture been carried to a charming intensity of expression and their effect on the mind is one full of Video Games Benefits, no cloying, no Essayy, no repletion; the variety of the dishes is extraordinary in delicacy and piquancy as well as in number.

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The morals of a nation can with fair accuracy be gauged from the condition of its arts and literature, and in what a state are ours? Our music the jangling ditties of the streets, our paintings, posters and bedizened Jewesses; and our literature, heroically vulgar, vulgarly obscene, and obscenely insipid.

Essay On Rapture

Morals, the nation has none, merely a better art in disguising than in former times, go here is all. We no Essay On Rapture can produce a Swift, a Congreve, or a Dryden, a Smollett, a Lever, or a Sterne, and yet our writers are legion — and as feculent as the flabby prostitutes of the street. Such literature is revolting, not in its mere descriptions, for these are nothing to the student, being generally but poorly described realities, but they are horrible when strewn broadcast among the children of the nation.

We still have our Bible and need no more erotica.

A Critical Essay Upon the Works of Aleister Crowley

Filth has been defined as matter out of place, and Essay On Rapture is this pathic literature, relegated to the realms of sexual psychology in the works of an Ellis or an Ebing is one thing, yet the government of this nation cannot stomach them thus, and seizes, expels, and burns; but if these horrid sores of the human soul are cut out and plastered on the pages of the fickle fiction of the day, then are they passed in seductive covers as proper nourishment for the nation; and devoured with relish and avidity. Are they intended for the gaping public? Are they devoured by mental babes and sucklings, or worse, forcibly crammed down their throats in simple or other forms? I think not. Is it not also a religious society, and is the Bible immaculate?]

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