Essay On Medication Error - Custom Academic Help

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This work reviews a case study discussed in 'Hospital Pharmacy' Smetzer and Cohen, which provides a clear example of the complex nature of the health care system and the process of medication use and how this interrelates to medication safety and quality. The nurse made the decision to administer the medication by IV. This group includes two sub groups of highly vulnerable persons which include the very young and the very old, who have a high-risk effect for medication errors because the potential adverse The National Transitions Of Care Words 4 Pages comes to patients and medication errors and further educates health care professionals on the importance of communication especially during transition of care. It is the responsibility of the nurse to practice safe patient care and have responsible knowledge of medications. All too often, however, medication errors do occur. Over nurses surveyed in a study by Urima University of Medical Sciences, have exposed the occurrences of medication errors, the reasons that these errors transpired, and how they feel they could have been prevented. Essay On Medication Error Essay On Medication Error

Get your price Lewis experienced major adverse effects occurred while Lewis was on this pain medication. He went into kidney failure and also developed a duodenal ulcer.

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Helen Haskell stated that Lewis was receiving pediatric IV fluids with no urine output. Urinary retention was a side effect listed for the medication and no one decided to take that seriously.

Essay On Medication Error

The fact that Lewis was given an adult dose of Ketorolac and received pediatric IV fluids with no urine output created major complications. He did not receive the accurate amount of fluids needed to reduce the possible side effects from the ketorolac given. They dismissed crucial medical complications and were unable to handle the patient Medivation he started to deteriorate. Those factors do hold significance, but it does not excuse the actions of the healthcare team.

Essay On Medication Error

The patient went 24 hours without urine output and then 4 hours without detectable blood pressure. The nurses and techs in the unit spent 2 hours rotating out blood pressure cuffs to different sites instead of getting in contact with the veteran physician. Lewis eventually went into septic shock due to a large amount of blood loss in his abdomen and developing an infection. Lewis showed signs of pallor, severely worsening abdomen pain, Essat, abdominal distention, cold sweats and hypothermia.

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Lewis was showing all of the deadly signs and symptoms of acute abdomen. Acute abdomen is a life-threating medical condition Essay On Medication Error must be treated quickly. If the condition was caught in a timely manner, it could have Easay treated with interventions such as surgery, antibiotics and fluid resuscitation. Nurses and physicians need proper training for emergency situations, professionalism, critical thinking skills, proper education on the medications and being able to listen to medical concerns from the family. Patients and families need to know that they are involved in the plan of care to provide the best possible outcome.

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Questions need to be asked and those questions need to be answered so a better relationship can be developed. Haskell states multiple times that the nurses were unprofessional.

Essay On Medication Error

This was evidenced when Mrs. By not acting on the information provided to her by the Mrs.]

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