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Effects Of Famine Video

Effects Of Famine

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From these occurrences, Russia then became the first communist state in the world. The Bolsheviks had become the ruling party after taking over the Provisional Government in the revolution of November Vladimir Lenin had been the leader of this party. There Effects Of Famine a bitter civil war between the Communists who were the Reds and the opposition being the Whites.

Lenin was a persistent Russian ruler who wished to instill his communist views in Effects Of Famine society at all costs. Russia participation in the war may have been stopped, but the consequences were much greater. Landlords were trying to find the problem to the deaths. Landlords knew exactly what Effects Of Famine do. They evicted hundreds and thousands of peasants, because the work was not getting done Considine Click at this page was the view of the workers due to soldiers coming home from the Napoleonic Wars and more people were dying from disease.

In the year when Lenin was 17 his elder brother Alexandra was executed for conspiring to assassinate the tsar. Lenin who was already well educated and fond of reading and writing was encouraged to enter politics to make changes and to somehow avenge his brothers' death.

As Lenin matured as a leader, so did his policies; as Lenin died his policies died with him.


The Bolshevik Economic Policy during the Civil War was significant for the Soviet Union as it helped to win the war and was the first implementation of Communist ideology anywhere. In addition, it affected many people, led to the Tambov Revolt and the Kronstadt Mutiny and had long-term political consequences. Even before the outbreak of war, the Russian population were largely dissatisfied with the government under the Tsarist regime. His rise to this power can be explained by the Russian Revolutionary experience that allowed him to gain authority in Effects Of Famine. Although historians often refer to Stalin as a ruthless, mindless dictator, he redirected the Russian Revolution to major economic development.]

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