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How To Write The Best Argumentative Essay - 4 Tips For A Perfect Argumentative Essay E-Prime Essays

Abstract Background Prior studies on health disparity have shown that socioeconomic status is critical to inequality of E-Prime Essays outcomes such as depression. However, two questions await further investigation: whether disparity in depression correlated with socioeconomic status more info become larger when depression becomes severer, and whether digital technology will reduce the disparity in depression correlated with socioeconomic E-Prime Essays. Our study aims to answer the above two questions. Methods By using the dataset from China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Studywe use quantile regression models to examine the association between socioeconomic status and depression across different quantiles, and test the moderating effect of digital technology.

Results Our study obtains four key findings.

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First, the negative effects of socioeconomic status on depression present an increasing trend at high quantiles. Second, Internet usage exacerbates the disparity in depression associated with education level on average, but reduces this disparity associated with education level at high quantiles.

E-Prime Essays, Internet usage reduces the disparity E-Prime Essays depression associated with income on average and at high quantiles. Fourth, mobile phone ownership has almost no moderating effect on the relationship between socioeconomic status and depression. Conclusions Our findings suggest the potential use of digital technology in reducing disparity in depression correlated with socioeconomic status among middle-aged and aged individuals in developing countries.

Peer Review reports Introduction Depressive symptoms are characterized by persistent sadness and a loss of interest in all or almost all activities, accompanied by the syndromes, such as weight loss or gain, which last at least 2 weeks [ 1 ]. Depressive disorder, which has been suffered by million people worldwide inis one of the main leading causes of further increase in the number of all-age years lived with disability YLDs in up to [ 2 ]. Depression is particularly acute in the elderly E-Prime Essays in low- and middle-income countries LMICs [ 3 ] With the high E-Prime Essays of depression in the elderly and the E-Prime Essays aging of people aged 45—55 years, the health system of all countries faces major challenges to ensure the well-being of aging individuals [ 4 ], especially in LMICs. Previous studies have concluded that socioeconomic status SES is a strong predictor of depression [ 5 — 11 ]. Studies in the Chinese context have identified several factors strongly associated with later-life depressive symptoms, such as education, income [ 58 ], hukou [ 91213 ] and childhood conditions [ 811 ].

E-Prime Essays

However, these findings are difficult to guide us in direct health interventions because we can hardly change SES. In other words, disparity in depression correlated with SES is deep-rooted and will persist. In this case, a key question is: can we weaken this deep-rooted disparity in depression through feasible means? Digital technology, which is characterized as low cost and easy accessibility, has considerable potential to deliver public health intervention, especially in LMICs [ 14 — 16 ].

Thus far, E-Prime Essays outcomes have been reported E-Prime Essays randomized controlled trials of digital interventions across a wide range of chronic disease outcomes, such as cell phone voice and text message interventions positively impacted on chronic disease outcomes, improving attendance rates and health-related quality of life, and was Esssys [ 15 ]. Web-based interventions, videoconferencing, and online support groups to deliver psychotherapy have been well validated and showed efficacy on depression [ 1718 ]. Though E-Prime Essays studies [ 19 — 23 ] have examined the direct effect of digital technology on depression, few of them considered the moderating effect of digital technology. Instead, this paper focuses on the moderating effect and investigates whether digital technology can weaken the deep-rooted disparity in depression E-Prlme with SES.

This study uses a quantile regression approach to provide a holistic view of how SES influences depression and how digital technology moderates the relationship between SES and Aquaculture Agriculture depression.

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Our methodology has two advantages. First, quantile regression outperforms OLS for skewed distributed dependent variable. Our data are from China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Studyin which the distribution of depression is right skewed. Thus, E--Prime mean cannot well describe the relationship between SES and depression, which E-Prime Essays ordinary least squares OLS estimates unsatisfactory.

E-Prime Essays

Second, quantile regression has been widely used to E-Prime Essays health disparity since it can provide a holistic view of the relationship between two variables [ 2425 ]. From a practical point of view, we are particularly concerned about the situation of severe depression.

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Consequently, we adopt the quantile regression approach and answer two research questions: [ 1 ] Will the disparity in depression correlated with socioeconomic status expand under severe depression cases? Theoretical background and hypotheses Socioeconomic status is essential social origin of disparity in depression [ 2627 ].

The biomedical literature has E-Prime Essays treated SES as a unitary Eszays [ 28 ]. Likewise, the literature that explores the mechanisms linking life-course SES and health in later life has tended to treat SES as a latent variable [ 61129 ].

Esssays advance our understanding of the relationship between SES and depressive symptoms among older adults, and ultimately to foster appropriate policies and practices to improve population health, a more read article approach is required [ 28 ]. Income, education, and occupation are important factors of SES [ 57122830 ]. Early studies in developed countries have shown that education and income can predict disease onset and progression, respectively [ 28 ]. A E-Prime Essays analysis among European older adults shows that education and income are the SES indicators more frequently significantly associated with depression but not occupation [ E-Prime Essays ].]

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