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Dust Bowl In To Kill A Mockingbird Dust Bowl In To Kill A Mockingbird.

Notes: CW: blood and self-surgery Chapter Text They moved slowly down the corridor, pausing at the first door they encountered, about half way to a right turn.

Dust Bowl In To Kill A Mockingbird

Bucky held up his hand, they all held their breath and after a moment he indicated nothing with Avengers sign language. Bobbi gingerly touched the handle and turned it. She opened her hand a little bit, the glow stick lying against the splints Clint had made for her fingers at a rest stop.

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With more light they could all see something that looked like sealant around the edges of the doors, like a rubber Kll, as though extruded from the frame it self. Looking up, Nat noticed a vent cover above the door, the slats locked down tightly and more sealant covering all the joints. For biologicals?

Dust Bowl In To Kill A Mockingbird

The air in here, in the hallway, is flowing away from the doors to the outside. On the wall. Bobbi held the glow stick up so they could all study it. The facility was shaped like a Y, the open top encompassing the entrance cavern.

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They were in the left hand down stroke of the V part, if you looked down at it from the top, and there was a right stroke mirrored across the other side. They moved a little faster now that they had a better idea of the lay out and Bucky still heard nothing but the air movement. She opened one of the doors leading into the garage, which was unsealed, and peered around with her night vision and looked back.

Dust Bowl In To Kill A Mockingbird

Her lips moved silently, her throat working, but she did not explain. As frustrating as it was, they all knew not to push her.

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She worked out problems this way, unable to articulate until she could see a complete whole. When they turned the corner, they knew why. His head was slumped to click side, away from a pistol lying on the floor next to his leg. The gun shot wound it his temple was dark with dried blood, tattered dried flesh hanging off his shattered skull like Ki,l

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