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But you can one from professional essay writers. Print: 55 Example image The Evolution of Fashion in China People tend to blindly accept history to be all factual, however, history is way more complex than that.

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The difficulty with history is that since it is obviously in the bpat, one needs to rely on sources from people who bpat no longer alive and therefore can not be asked questions. Different cultures concealed certain aspects of their history, as well as made up certain aspects, so how can historians possibly come up with an accurate representation of different cultures when there is conspiracy that the sources they are deriving information from could be bias or even completely false? The answer is complicated, but to simplify it: historians do their best to look at all Dragon boat Essays resources to draw conclusions from each in order to construct the best possible understanding of the past. One needs to look at all different resources from the past because they Dragon boat Essays on one another and support each other.

When studying history, people tend to find information through sources such as material evidence and sacred texts. In debating over which can create a better portrayal of history, people are completely disregarding all of the other, less obvious, sources.

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People do not realize that sacred texts and material evidence are only two of the many different resources that can be used by historians. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, fashion is defined as the prevailing style, as in dress, during a particular time. Unfortunately, people tend to overlook fashion and undermine its importance as a role in helping formulate an accurate depiction of history. Clothing and trends can help deduce production Dragon boat Essays, class structures, customs, and more.

Dragon boat Essays

Fashion is therefore an extremely helpful resource for historians Dragon boat Essays gain insight into the social Dragon boat Essays of different eras. Looking at China, specifically, the fashion changed immensely over the course of their history, from when the Qin and Han dynasties were ruling to modern times; however, some elements managed to survive throughout time.

Fashion is influenced by cultural changes, therefore, the evolution of fashion in China reveals a great deal about Chinese society. Throughout the course of ancient Chinese history, clothing has been a symbol of social status. Since the class system was always extremely strict, the ruling class manipulated clothing in order to enhance their social position and distinguish themselves from those they considered lesser than them. There were many rules set in place on what people of different statuses were allowed to wear. The clothing that the elite class wore was distinguished from the clothing of commoners through the way in which the cloth was cut and the fabric that it was made from. The basic garment for all classes and both genders was more or less the same, with each class wearing a different variation of it.

Dragon boat Essays

It was a loosely cut robe that consisted of a sash, sleeves that were anywhere from narrow to wide, and a left panel that was worn over the right panel. The specific detailing of the robe changed over time Dragn the basic idea endured. Those that were part of the upper class wore this robe in a variation that was ankle length and had wide sleeves that dangled. Sometimes, they would also wear a coat Dragon boat Essays jacket over the outfit.

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Those that were a part of the working class wore a shorter variation of the robe that went down to either their thighs or knees. They would wear trousers, leggings, or a skirt underneath.

Dragon boat Essays

It was socially acceptable for both men and women to wear either skirts and trousers. Additionally, the working class outfits were more dull and plain and the upper class outfits were more decorated, bright, and elaborate.]

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