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Dao De Jing Analysis Dao De Jing Analysis

It was occupied between ca. It was said to be the oldest urban center in the Americas and the largest for the 3rd millennium BC. Caral had many impressive architectural structures, including temples, an amphitheater, and pyramids that predate the Egyptian pyramids by approximately a century.

Dao De Jing Analysis

What attracted my attention the most, however, is this: Among the artifacts found at Caral is a knotted textile piece that the excavators have labelled a quipu. They write that the artifact is evidence Dao De Jing Analysis the quipu record keeping system, a method involving knots tied in textiles that was brought to its highest development by the Inca Empirewas older than any archaeologist previously had determined. Evidence http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/life-in-hell/calgary-essays.php emerged that the quipu also may have recorded logographic information in the same way writing does.

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Gary Urton has suggested that the quipus used a binary system that could record phonological or logographic data. Ancient Chinese texts allude to similar notation systems employing knots tied in strings. Chinese Knots. In subsequent ages, for these the sages substituted written characters and bonds. By Jinng of these the doings of all the officers could be regulated, and the affairs of all people accurately examined. There are Dao De Jing Analysis known existing examples of these Chinese knotted records.

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Since the website takes some liberties with the original, I quote it here directly from Legge's The Sacred Books of the East: The sacred books of China, pt. In subsequent ages, the sages substituted for these written characters and bonds. By means of these the doings of all the officers could be regulated, and the affairs of all the people accurately examined. Here we give the publicly open translation by James Legge.

Dao De Jing Analysis

In most Quechua varieties, the term is kipu. The terms "quipu" and "khipu" are simply spelling variations on the same word.]

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