Customs And Traditions: The Seven Elements Of Culture - Custom Academic Help

Customs And Traditions: The Seven Elements Of Culture Customs And Traditions: The Seven Elements Of Culture.

Maqluba Palestine's history of rule by many different empires is reflected in Palestinian cuisine, which has benefited from various cultural contributions and exchanges. Generally speaking, modern Palestinian dishes have been influenced by the rule of three major Islamic groups: the Arabs, the Persian -influenced Arabs, Cultuee the Turks. After the Crimean Warmany foreign communities namely the BosniansGreeksFrench and Italians began settling in the area; Jerusalem, Jaffa and Bethlehem were the most popular destinations for these groups.

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The cuisine of these communities, particularly those of the Balkanscontributed to the character of Palestinian cuisine. Cuisine in the Galilee region shares Tradirions: in common with Lebanese cuisine, due to extensive communication between the two regions before the establishment of Israel. Galilee inhabitants specialize in producing a number of meals based on the combination of bulgurspices and meat, known as kibbee by Arabs.

Kibbee has several variations including it being served raw, fried or baked.

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It consists of a roasted chicken over a taboon bread that has been topped with pieces of fried sweet onions, sumacallspice and pine nutscooked and finished with a generous helping of olive oil. The cuisine of the Gaza Strip is influenced both by neighboring Egypt and its location on the Mediterranean coast.

The staple food for the majority of the inhabitants in the area is fish. Gaza has a major fishing industry and fish is often served either grilled or fried after being stuffed with cilantrogarlic, red peppers, cumin, and then marinated in a mix of corianderred peppers, cumin, and chopped lemons.

Customs And Traditions: The Seven Elements Of Culture

Kinafe originated in Nablus, as well as the sweetened Nabulsi cheese used to fill it. Baqlawaa pastry introduced at the time of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificentis also an integral part of Palestinian cuisine.

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Mahashi is an assortment of stuffed vegetables Tue as zucchinis, potatoes, cabbage and, in Gaza, chard. Main article: Palestinian cinema The Alhambra Cinema in Jaffa, bombed December [35] Palestinian cinema is relatively young compared to Arab cinema overall and many Palestinian movies are made with European and Israeli support.

Customs And Traditions: The Seven Elements Of Culture

Main article: Palestinian handicrafts A wide variety of handicrafts, many of which have been produced by Palestinians for hundreds of years, continue to here produced today. Palestinian handicrafts include embroidery and weaving, pottery-making, soap-making, glass-making, and olive wood and Mother of Pearl carvings Intellectuals[ edit ] In the late 19th century and early 20th century, Palestinian intellectuals Tradirions: integral parts of wider Arab intellectual circles, as represented by individuals such as May Ziadeh and Khalil Beidas.

Educational levels among Palestinians have traditionally been high. In the s, the West Bank had a higher percentage of its adolescent 15 to 17 years of age population enrolled in high school than Israel; the West Bank had a ]

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