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Culture of India Essays

Note that you must conduct research and your paper must have 3 scholarly references. This means that you must locate peer-reviewed articles.

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The paper must me in essay format answering the questions at the end. India is a complex and chaotic place with hundreds of millions of poor citizens and Culture of India Essays ramshackle infrastructure—particularly when compared to the gleaming new ports, highways, and airports that China has built in recent decades. Moreover, India has long been plagued by a notoriously inefficient, albeit democratic, government. But these challenges and barriers have arguably produced something remarkable in India—a problem-solving mentality that helps many Indians to quickly, cheaply, and cleverly invent new products and Inria ways of doing things.

Culture of India Essays

Indeed, this mentality Culture of India Essays caused multinationals the world over to flock to India, not just for backroom outsourcing but to tap some Culutre the most innovative minds in the world. As a result, optimists are saying that India today is booming in many respects, with a variety of world-class firms such as Tata Motors and mobile phone provider Bharti Airtel. And bysome estimate that another million Indians will join the ranks of the middle class, bringing spending power with them. Small wonder that some Culrure that India, not China, will be the fastest growing big country Culture of India Essays the world for the next quarter century.

Another factor is the domestic market. While many Indian companies do a brisk export business in services, the local market is large and demanding, with customers wanting cheap products that work well from the start. In fact, some of what they have come up with is nothing short of mind-boggling. All of this is consistent with recent research about cultural values that seems to encourage entrepreneurship.

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Entrepreneurs function in a social context, and consequently societal culture can play a role in inhibiting or enhancing the entrepreneurial problem solving seen in India today. Specifically, cultural values that encourage helpfulness, cooperation, relationship building, and bootstrapping—particularly as mechanisms for overcoming obstacles in society—seem to help spur entrepreneurial innovation.

Moreover, when Culture of India Essays is touted as being socially desirable in a country, it can, over time, strengthen and support cultural values that encourage entrepreneurial activity.

Culture of India Essays

But, as stated earlier, India is a complex place with Culturee of built-in contradictions. Indeed, many companies feel that India remains a Culture of India Essays challenging place to do business. Many Indian roads are abysmal, and some are slowed by checkpoints where officials demand bribes from truck drivers. Likewise, companies often must maintain their own backup power and sanitation systems given the lack of stable utilities. Moreover, while India has plenty of innovative entrepreneurs, it is woefully short on engineers and other trained professionals, has too few outstanding universities, and a weak primary education system.]

Culture of India Essays

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