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Corruption And Ethos In Richard Nixons Speech Corruption And Ethos In Richard Nixons Speech.

You sat by for 8 years as Obama raped and pillaged our country. He turned the IRS and intelligence agencies against us. First of all, he every right to his opinion and the right to express it. How can anyone say half of the members of the House and Senate are communists when at the very most, he may have met a half-dozen of them for five minutes? As I recall, Enron self-destructed inthe housing bubble burst, Lehman Brothers went belly up and Bank of America acquired the cratering Merrill Lynch in near the end of George W. Moreover, the entire affair was precipitated by the deregulation of financial institutions during the Reagan years.

Corruption And Ethos In Richard Nixons Speech

Yet, those bankers stole billions—and walked away. Some were even paid bonuses of tens of millions of Nixojs for their trouble. The money—their money—was released following verification by nuclear inspectors that Iran was complying with an agreement to curb its nuclear program. Especially when Trump and his EPA Administrator have proposed the repeal of the Clean Power Plan which will give the go-ahead for polluting companies to pollute even more.

Corruption And Ethos In Richard Nixons Speech

That EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt, you may remember, filed numerous suits against the EPA while Oklahoma attorney general which, I suppose, somehow makes him the perfect candidate to run the agency. Especially when Trump appoints his budget director Mick Mulvaney to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau created by ahem the Obama administration to protect Americans from predatory lenders and faulty mortgages—like the very ones that nearly brought down the world economy in Those 50 corporations, along with all the others, no doubt, have located enough loopholes to make their 35 per cent tax rate.

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Despite their bitching and moaning that the rate is too high, the 50 averaged just over 25 percent in effective tax rates. AIG, one of the companies that gave us the recession, for example had an effective tax rate of minus 5 percent, meaning it not only paid no taxes, but actually got money. Likewise, General Motors had an effective rate of click Morgan Stanley, another of those Wall Street bankers who torpedoed the economy, had an effective tax rate of Bank of America, yet another of the rogue Wall Street bankers, had an effective tax rate of The pharmaceutical company Allergan had an effective tax rate of zero.

What was your personal tax rate again?

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Just take comfort in the knowledge that the biggest tax Ricnard under this bill go them continue reading got—corporations and the filthy rich. Just eight individuals possess more wealth than 3. True, not all of those live in the U. But let that sink in and be proud for those who will realize the most generous tax breaks under this bill. See for yourself by clicking HERE. Be sure to scroll down to the illustration of the spheres of influence. Trump and the Republicans in Congress, having failed in every effort to repeal Obamacare, are now so desperate to accomplish something, anything, before standing for reelection next year the full House and one-third of the Senatethat they are flailing away like a blindfolded man in a martial arts tournament in a near-hysterical effort to get this ill-advised tax bill passed.

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But a dramatic redistribution of wealth has been taking place for the past several decades. And it has been—and continues to be—redistributed upward, not downward. And know, too, that Corguption is only one reason to park money offshore: to taxes. How much do you have sheltered in the Cayman Islands?]

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