Conflict Of Interest: Case Study: Conflict Of Interest In A - Custom Academic Help

Conflict Of Interest: Case Study: Conflict Of Interest In A

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Conflict Of Interest: Case Study: Conflict Of Interest In A

Conflict Of Interest: Case Study: Conflict Of Interest In A - charming topic

Company comprises of several interest groups that can createvarious dimensions in conflict of interests. Reporting of conflict of interest is mandatory under the provisions of laws. Sec ofCorporations Act requires directors of company to report to board of directors materialpersonal interest in any contract related to affairs of company Conflict of Interest. Directors have the responsibility of protecting interest of company complying the principle ofgood faith. Directors having personal interest have restrictions like prohibition from participatingin meeting in which contract related to personal interest will be discussed. Entering companyinto contract for their personal benefit or of their relatives.

Nevertheless, many weight problems can be boiled down to two driving forces: inactivity and poor eating choices. When fingers started pointing to soft drinks maker Coca-Cola for playing a role in the problem, they decided to use science to fight back.

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Of course, it would be really difficult for any study, no matter how well-funded, to conclude that this sugar-laden product is healthy in any way and does not lead to weight gain, so they decided to take a far more underhanded approach. Instead, Interext: funded studies that place the blame for childhood obesity squarely on inactivity, ignoring the role that products like their own, clearly play in this epidemic.

Conflict Of Interest: Case Study: Conflict Of Interest In A

A paper that was recently published by the Journal of Public Health Policy sheds some light on this dishonest approach. Not surprisingly, the ISCOLE study concluded that physical inactivity is a key predictor of childhood obesity, seemingly clearing soda consumption as a culprit. The only sponsor requirement was that the study be global in nature. Right to Know using a Freedom of Information Act request shoed.

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They discovered that Coca-Cola did indeed influence the design of the studies, with emails showing that the researchers and Coca-Cola reps went back forth discussing the design of the study. The presentation of the results was also discussed between the parties. Moreover, it skews our body of knowledge and dilutes legitimate scientific research with Ingerest findings. There is a danger that vested interests such as Coca-Cola pollute the scientific literature with research serving a hidden agenda.

Conflict Of Interest: Case Study: Conflict Of Interest In A

A few years ago, Coca-Cola was caught paying nutrition and fitness experts to publish articles in favor of Coke on more than 1, websites. They appear to have had quite a few takers, with one article on Patch. As you can see, Coca-Cola is doing its best to convince the public that its drinks, which contain such health-destroying ingredients as high-fructose corn syrup from genetically engineered corn and phosphoric acid, are perfectly fine and have nothing to do with weight gain.]

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