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Concept Of Discipline In The Classroom

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. Concept Of Discipline In The Classroom

Prehistory[ edit ] Author Jared Diamond writes that hunter-gatherer societies have tended to use little corporal punishment whereas agricultural and industrial societies tend to use progressively more of it. Diamond suggests this may be because hunter-gatherers tend to have few valuable physical possessions, and misbehavior of the child would not cause harm to others' property. Proverbs, XIX, 18 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it from him.

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Proverbs, XXII, 15 Withhold not correction from the child; for if thou beatest him with a rod, thou shalt deliver his soul from hell. Proverbs, XXIII, 13—14 [9] Robert McCole Wilson argues, "Probably this attitude comes, at least in part, from the desire in the patriarchal society for the elder to maintain his authority, where Tye authority was the main link for social stability.

Concept Of Discipline In The Classroom

But these are the words that not only justified the use of physical punishment on children for over a thousand years in Christian communities, but ordered it to be used. The words were accepted with but few exceptions; it is only in the last two hundred years that there has been a growing body of opinion that differed.

Curiously, the gentleness of Christ towards children Mark, X was usually ignored". Corporal punishment was prescribed in ancient Israel, but was limited to 40 lashes. Some states Concept Of Discipline In The Classroom a reputation for using such punishments cruelly; Spartain particular, used them as part Clasrsoom a disciplinary click here designed to build willpower and physical strength. In the Roman Empire, the maximum penalty that a Roman citizen could receive under the law was 40 "lashes" or "strokes" with a whip applied to the back and shoulders, or with the " fasces " similar to a birch rod, but consisting of 8—10 lengths of willow rather than birch applied to the buttocks. Such punishments could draw blood, and were frequently inflicted in public.

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Quintilian c. According to Wilson, "probably no more lucid indictment of it has been made in the succeeding two thousand years".

Concept Of Discipline In The Classroom

Their belief that the emperor should be physically ideal meant that such disfigurement notionally disqualified the recipient from office. The second reign of Justinian the Slit-nosed was the notable exception. Elsewhere, corporal punishment was encouraged by the attitudes of the Catholic church towards the human body, flagellation being a common means of self-discipline.

This had an influence on the use of corporal punishment in schools, as educational establishments were closely attached to the church during this period. Nevertheless, corporal punishment was not used uncritically; as early as the eleventh century Saint AnselmArchbishop of Canterbury was speaking out against what he saw as the excessive use of corporal punishment in the treatment of children. Judicial punishments were increasingly turned into public spectacles, with public beatings of criminals intended as a deterrent to other would-be offenders. Meanwhile, early writers on education, such as Roger Aschamcomplained of the arbitrary manner in which children were punished.

Locke's work was highly influential, and may have helped influence Polish legislators to ban corporal punishment from Poland's schools inthe first country in the world to do so. A consequence of Concept Of Discipline In The Classroom mode of thinking was a reduction in the use of corporal punishment in the 19th century in Europe and North America. In some countries this was encouraged by scandals involving individuals seriously hurt during acts of corporal punishment. For instance, in Britain, popular opposition to punishment was encouraged by two significant cases, the death of Private Frederick John Whitewho died after a military flogging in[18] and the death of Reginald Cancellorkilled by his schoolmaster in By the First World War, parents' complaints about disciplinary excesses in England had died down, and corporal punishment was established as Concept Of Discipline In The Classroom expected form of school discipline.

Meanwhile, in many schools, the use of the cane, paddle or tawse remained commonplace in the UK and the United States until the s.]

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