Community Nursing Essay - Custom Academic Help

Community Nursing Essay - already discussed

However, the shift of medical records from paper to electronic formats potentially increased the ease of access to other people, other than the health practitioners such as nurses. These are concerns that have been actively addressed by the United States department of health and human services. This has been achieved through the health insurance and accountability Act of , which was done in a bid to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the health care system. The implementation of this Act has affected many aspects of the health care systems. As the government opted for a shift from paper work to electronic health records, it had several objectives in mind. The government focused on standardization, simplification of information and cost savings Olsen, With an increase on the ability to share patient information within the health care, there is a direct and potential increase on the responsibility to protect the information. This has meant that patients have to be informed about the practices and disclosure of their information where they must offer a written consent for payment, treatment, and health care operations. Patients have also been given the right to access their health information, as well as amend it at will Stephen, There has been a need to teach the health practitioners on how to access and use the EHR data.

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Uncategorized As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached. A minimum of 3 evidence-based references besides the class textbook no older than 5 years must be used.

Community Nursing Essay

A minimum of words is required. Describe globalization and international patterns of health and disease.

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Identify international health care organizations and how they collaborate to improve global nursing and health care. Identify and discuss the barriers to adequate health care for women.

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