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Statue of Mazu at a temple in Chiayi , Taiwan. Diversity and unity Ancient Chinese religious practices are diverse, varying from province to province and even from one village to another, for religious behaviour is bound to local communities, kinship, and environments. In each setting, institution and ritual behaviour assumes highly organised forms. Temples and the gods in them acquire symbolic character and perform specific functions involved in the everyday life of the local community. Many scholars, following the lead of sociologist C. Yang , see the ancient Chinese religion deeply embedded in family and civic life, rather than expressed in a separate organisational structure like a "church", as in the West. Chinese sinology later adopted another dichotomy which continues in contemporary studies, distinguishing "folk beliefs" minjian xinyang and "folk religion" minjian zongjiao , the latter referring to the doctrinal sects. Other sinologists who have not espoused the idea of a unified "national religion" have studied Chinese religion as a system of meaning, or have brought further development in C. Yang's distinction between "institutional religion" and "diffused religion", the former functioning as a separate body from other social institutions, and the latter intimately part of secular social institutions. Some cults such as that of Liu Zhang, a king in what is today Shandong , date back to this period. Chinese folk art Essays![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Chinese folk art Essays](
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Further information: Medicine in ancient Greece and Medicine in ancient Rome In the written record, the study of herbs dates back 5, years to the ancient Sumerianswho described well-established medicinal uses Chinese folk art Essays plants. In Ancient Egyptian medicinethe Ebers papyrus from c. Many herbs and minerals used in Ayurveda were described by ancient Indian herbalists such as Charaka and Sushruta during the 1st millennium BC. Early recognised Greek compilers of existing and current herbal knowledge include Pythagoras and his followersHippocratesAristotleTheophrastusDioscorides and Galen. The most famous Persian medical treatise was Avicenna's The Canon of Linkwhich was an early pharmacopoeia and introduced clinical trials.
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The Unani system of traditional medicine is also based on the Canon. Women's folk knowledge existed in undocumented parallel with these texts.

Both Hernandez and Ximenez fitted Aztec ethnomedicinal information into the European concepts of disease such as "warm", "cold", and "moist", but it is not clear that the Aztecs used these categories. It was translated into German in and Italian editions were published for the next century. Colonial America[ edit ] In 17th and 18th-century America, traditional folk healers, frequently women, used herbal remedies, and leeching.

Within a given culture, elements of indigenous medicine knowledge may be diffusely known by many, or may be gathered and Chinsse by those in a specific role of healer such as a shaman or midwife. Under this definition folk medicine are longstanding remedies passed on and practiced by lay people.
Folk medicine consists here the healing practices and ideas of body physiology and health preservation known to some in a culture, transmitted informally as general knowledge, and practiced or applied by anyone in the culture having prior experience. April American Native and Alaska Native medicine are traditional forms of healing that have been around for thousands of years. Nattuvaidyam[ edit ] Nattuvaidyam was a set of indigenous Chinese folk art Essays practices that existed in India before the advent of allopathic or western medicine. There were overlaps and borrowing Chinese folk art Essays ideas, medicinal compounds used and techniques within these practices.
Ayurveda was one kind of nattuvaidyam practised in south India. When the medical system was revamped in twentieth century India, many of the practices and techniques specific to some of these diverse nattuvaidyam was included in Ayurveda.

Home remedies[ edit ] A home remedy sometimes also referred to as a granny cure is a treatment to cure a disease or ailment that employs certain spices, herbsvegetables, or other common items.]
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