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Characteristics Of Hellenistic Art Characteristics Of Hellenistic Art

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This coin is the earliest known example of its type to be found so far east. King Darius I of the Achaemenid Empire took advantage of the opportunity and planned for an invasion. Under Persian Charaacteristics, a system of centralized administration, with a bureaucratic system, was introduced into the Indus Valley for the first time. Provinces or "satrapy" were MD established with provincial capitals. During Achaemenid rule, the Kharosthi alphabet, derived from the one used for Aramaic the official language of Achaemenidsdeveloped here and remained the national script of Gandhara until CE. By about BC the Persian hold on the region had weakened. Many small kingdoms sprang up in Gandhara.

The expeditions of Alexander Characteristics Of Hellenistic Art recorded by his court historians and click here Arrian around AD in his Anabasis Alexandri and by other chroniclers many centuries after the event.

Characteristics Of Hellenistic Art

Obverse: Alexander being Characteristics Of Hellenistic Art by Nike. Reverse: Alexander source king Porus on his elephant. Characteristocs Museum. In the winter of BC, Alexander invited all the chieftains in the remaining five Achaemenid satraps to submit to his authority.

Ambhithen ruler of Taxila in the former Hindush satrapy complied, but the remaining tribes and clans in the former satraps of Gandhara, Arachosia, Sattagydia and Gedrosia rejected Alexander's offer. However, the Aspasioi eventually lost and 40, people were enslaved.

Characteristics Of Hellenistic Art

The Assakenoi fought bravely and offered stubborn resistance to Alexander and his army in the cities of Ora, Bazira Barikot and Massaga. So enraged was Alexander about the resistance put up by the Assakenoi that he killed the entire population of Massaga and reduced its buildings to rubble. A similar slaughter then followed at Ora, [33] another stronghold of the Assakenoi. The stories of these slaughters reached numerous Assakenians, who began fleeing to Aornos, a hill-fort located between Shangla and Kohistan. Alexander followed close behind their heels and besieged the strategic hill-fort, eventually capturing and destroying the fort and killing everyone inside.

The remaining smaller tribes either surrendered or like Characteristics Of Hellenistic Art Astanenoi tribe of Pushkalavati Charsadda were quickly neutralized where 38, soldiers andoxen were captured by Alexander.

Alexander The Great History

With the conquest of Gandhara complete, Alexander switched to strengthening his military supply line, which by now stretched dangerously vulnerable over the Hindu Kush back Characteristics Of Hellenistic Art Balkh in Bactria. Alexander nominated Characteristics Of Hellenistic Art as Satraps of the new provinces, and in Gandhara, Oxyartes was nominated to the position of Satrap in BC.

Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Obv: Gandhara symbol representing 6 weapons with one point between two weapons; At the bottom of the point, a hollow moon. Rev: Empty. Dimensions: 14 mm Weight: 1. Chandragupta Mauryathe founder of the Mauryan dynasty, is said to have lived in Taxila when Alexander captured the city. According to tradition, he trained under Kautilyawho remained his chief adviser throughout his reign. Supposedly using Gandhara and Vahika as his base, Chandragupta led a rebellion against the Magadha Empire and ascended the throne at Pataliputra in BCE, however, there are no contemporary records of this.

Greece's Influence On Rome

With the completion of the Empire's Grand Trunk Road, the region prospered as a centre of trade. Gandhara remained a part of the Mauryan Empire for about a century and a half.

Characteristics Of Hellenistic Art

Ashokathe grandson of Chandragupta, was one of the greatest Indian rulers. Like his grandfather, Ashoka also started his career in Gandhara as a governor. Later he became a Buddhist and promoted Buddhism. He built many stupas in Gandhara.]

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