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Cervical Smear Research Paper

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It also has the fourth highest mortality rate among cancers in women. HPV or human papillomavirus is what mostly causes cervical cancer. Its also caused by severe abnormal changes in the cells cervix. There is a transformation zone where precancerous and cancerous cell changes occur in the cervix. This happens because these cells undergo constant change. During this change some cervical cells become abnormal if Every Women Matters Program Words 4 Pages Every Woman Matters Program Early detection of breast and cervical cancer reduced the burden of disease in women. The practices of Screening shown reduce the level of mortality and improve quality of life. The Every Woman Matters EWM stared in it is a federally-funded program designed to remove barrier to early screening by providing awareness and make screening more financially accessible to woman who have limited or no health insurance. It is one the most common viral sexually transmitted infections. This has led to different programmes implemented to minimize the incidence of cervical cancer. Cervical Smear Research Paper

Encouraging low-income women in particular to participate in such screenings likely would improve cancer detection and save lives, but health-care professionals have been uncertain of how best to improve patient adherence to screenings and follow-ups involving abnormal results. Women with low incomes sometimes skip Pap smears and other cancer prevention screenings because they are focused on more pressing needs such as housing, food and other necessary expenses. So, researchers at Washington University in St. Louis evaluated efforts to help such women obtain cervical cancer screenings.

Mammography Case Studies

The scientists studied a group of female callers in Missouri seeking assistance from a free and confidential phone service that helps people find basic resources. The researchers determined that many female callers were due for cervical cancer screenings Cervical Smear Research Paper most did not schedule one, even with the support of a health navigator, an individual trained to help people access medical care. Their findings link a new, more involved approach is needed to achieve such screenings and, ultimately, lower the number of women treated for advanced cancer.

Connecting underserved women to cervical cancer-screening services and assisting them with barriers to access medical care can improve health equity and reduce cancer disparities. Participants were recruited from June through June from among callers http://pinsoftek.com/wp-content/custom/human-swimming/rosina-lippi-greens-argument.php United Way Missouri, a telephone helpline for local health and social service resources. Most callers seek help with basic needs such as food, utility bills, shelter and unexpected expenses.

Cervical Cancer Research Paper

Of callers, were referred for cervical cancer screenings. Callers were randomized to one of three conditions: phone call only; phone call and a print reminder; or a phone Cervical Smear Research Paper and a personal navigator. The researchers looked at how many women contacted a clinic to schedule a Pap test one month after receiving a referral.

Patients in need of Pap screening had multiple cervical cancer risk factors. These women had a mean age of Nearly all Women in the group that was assigned health navigators reported higher rates of contacting Pap services Health navigators tripled the likelihood that women made contact with Pap services, and this remained true even among women with multiple unmet needs. Nevertheless, only 41 of The scientists said future research is necessary to understand how unmet basic needs pose barriers to cervical screening and how effective interventions to meet basic needs may Essays Thyroid to Cervical Smear Research Paper access to cancer prevention services. Some of these interventions might include immediate help such as assisting women with transportation and child care.

Cervical Smear Research Paper

Other interventions might focus on redesigning health systems and influencing social policy to provide women at risk for cervical cancer with secure homes free of hunger and tobacco. No woman should die from a preventable cancer.

Cervical Smear Research Paper

Kuroki et al.]

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