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Psychology[ edit ] The halo effect is a perception distortion or cognitive bias that affects the way people interpret the information about someone that they have formed a positive gestalt way people form impressions of others with. Because of the positive gestalt, the person may dismiss the significance of this behavior. They may even think that the person simply made a mistake. The person would justify the behavior and connect it with your positive gestalt. The halo effect refers to the tendency we have of evaluating an individual high on many traits because of a shared belief. The halo effect specifically refers to when this behavior has a positive correlation, such as viewing someone who is attractive as likely to be successful and popular. When this judgement has a negative connotation, such as someone unattractive being more readily blamed for a crime than someone attractive, it is referred to as the horn effect. Case Study Of Angels Negative Behaviors Case Study Of Angels Negative Behaviors

And it is natural that once a group of people live together, there may be difference of opinion, thought, taste, temperament, inclination and behavior among individuals which differences may lead to dispute, conflict or misunderstanding among people. When these negative attitudes arose, the Sharia does not leave this kind of disgruntle state of conflict unchecked but provided a means of its resolution.

The mechanisms for the resolution of disputes envisaged under the Sharia may take the form of litigation before a court of law i. Each of these two mechanisms has its own peculiarities.

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As there are many fields of human endeavors, so do disputes or conflicts arose and permeate these fields — be it social, economic, political, etc. Katsina State being one of the 36 States of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has inherited the deeply rooted application of Shariah in its judicial system from the then Sokoto Caliphate. The Rules of Court governing Katsina State Shariah Courts have also provided for the resort to As-Sulh amicable settlement of disputes using and relying upon the provisions of the Shariah as a guide. Interestingly, there exists a general provision in the present Shariah Courts Law of resort to the rules Case Study Of Angels Negative Behaviors principles of Islamic law from the Maliki school of law in the process of adjudication.

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But while the interpretation given to Islamic law by the Maliki school of law Behaviogs almost throughout Sharia Courts in Northern Nigeria including Katsina State, these laws do not form part of the codified body of the Laws of Katsina State but only found in various books of fiqh. And in view of the fact that today, Lawyers both Muslims and non-Muslims have the right of audience before Sharia Courts in Nigeria including Katsina State and these Lawyers may not be knowledgeable in the language of the original sources of the literature on the subject of Sulh which are mostly in Arabic and…… 1.

Case Study Of Angels Negative Behaviors

As a result, a lot of difficulties are encountered in trying to give effect to its practice in the Sharia Courts. These problems are further backed by the non-availability of reliable literatures in English on the because most literatures on the subject are in Arabic and embodied in several books of Islamic jurisprudence. Moreover, some Sharia Court judges, lawyers, litigants and other stakeholders in the administration of justice before Sharia Courts often portray lack of awareness on the nature, rationale and effectiveness of Sulh under the Shariah, they thus emphasize on adjudication to the neglect of Sulh.

Case Study Of Angels Negative Behaviors

Therefore, the needs have arisen for the professionalization of Sulh in Katsina State Judiciary to allow disputants to resolve interpersonal conflicts according to their own religious values with the aid of the judiciary. However, parts of the problems that this research work seeks to address are improper appreciation of the viability of Sulh and the requisite procedure to be employed in the resolution of disputes that are typically Behaviora before the sharia courts.

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Instead of relying solely on adjudication, an alternative recourse to Sulh necessitates the need for an attention by the relevant authorities and stakeholders to ensure that the proper procedure that would yield its thorough practice in cases involving matters of marriage whereby issues of ijbar compulsion and consent to marriage, dower, consummation of Stufy, maintenance, intolerable conduct, divorce, iddah waiting periodcustody of Behagiors hadanaetc. Moreover, the shortcomings of adversarial method of adjudication calls for a In Impure Hinduism Women attempt to incorporate formally Sulh as a rancor-reducing procedure in the administration of sharia justice before Katsina State Sharia Courts.

This is because, the outcome of adversarial processes i. Then, the state of conflict that was intended to be resolved continues after the litigation but this is not the case with Sulh as an amicable settlement undertaken by the parities. Therefore to avert the problems of adversarial method of adjudication, Sulh is the best alternative to be adopted by the sharia courts. Furthermore, there is the problem of avoidance of court processes that is common among some litigants Case Study Of Angels Negative Behaviors are totally opposed to attending courts over disputes with their adversaries. In the event, the best alternative is for the adverse party to approach Case Study Of Angels Negative Behaviors contending party for Sulh and where this is achieved, the parties may come back to the Sharia Courts for its formal adoption and eventually its enforcement in the event of breach by either party.]

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